
Nov 18, 2010

I am starting to kind of cool off about the whole holiday thing . LOL I am still a little jaded about the whole thing but I am gonna try to pony up and make the best of it. 
I am wrapping up my TOM but it seems more like the pre-TOM . I am moody and angry etc. This has been the case for the last few months when I get it.WEIRD. Usually after I get it I do ok and things go somewhat back to normal. I am thinking it is my body changing and all that. I am still holding some water weight and am up a little .... well like 2 lbs ! That makes me in a bad mood. LOL My hubby is like LET IT GO !!!! It is not a big deal !!!! But I cannot not. To me those few lbs of water wt are like gaining almost all of my weight back.:(  I take it hard .  I can put on several lbs of water around this time and I know this and still take it this bad . I also need to stay off the scale EVERYDAY.We go up and down and I have been told not to focus on weighing everyday because there are flucuations in our weight constantly. I just do not listen I guess.LOL  
OK .... so my game plan is to get in a better mood and NOT weigh everyday !!!! AND get these 2 lbs off .HAHAHAHA  
I apologize for my last few entries being such downers but I have been struggling lately. I need to rebound though.:) I really want to . My mood is important to my weight loss success !!!! Maybe I will go watch a funny movie or something .Won't make it all better but it may help! 
Oh and water....water....water !!!! Flush that extra fluid away!!!!


About Me
China Grove, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2010
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