
Nov 23, 2010

Well the holidays are almost upon us and I am already DREADING them . Not because I am afraid of over eating or being tempting to stray from my diet but because of ....   MY FAMILY !!!! Why can I not have a normal family that does not thrive on aggravation and drama ???? WHY do I cherish the thought of hitting the bar Thursday nite to ease my misery ???? Good God !!!! 
So here is the story in case you want to read on ....
       My family has never been the sentimental kind that relishes holidays and traditions and I have always kind of wanted that. So when a few yrs back my parents split after 42 yrs together the whole having the holidays thing fell to ....YEP....ME !!!! Then things fell apart with the hubby's family and so now I do not have that excuse anymore so long story short .... I try to corral what little bit of family we have to come over so my kids will not be bitter over the holidays and any traditions they may marry into and I cook and clean and bake and then suffer thru the days and then clean again and all for what.... NO ONE invites me to their house for the holidays and NO ONE thanks me for trying to get us all together and no one even realizes it almost breaks me to feed us all and ..... this is where I get all BAH HUMBUG !!!! Anyways I do not want to feel like this and I want my kids to ENJOY this time of year not look at it as the time of year mommy hits the rum and bakes cookies !!!! (I kid) anyways I have decided that on Christmas I will welcome anyone who wants to come to my home and have little snacky things around but I am not feeding the masses and I am not going to get overwhelmed by this !!!! Next year at Tgiving will be the same.I just cannot do it anymore it messes with my happiness and makes me a mean monster!!!! ENOUGH I am over it . If ppl really wanna have holidays with us THEY can not take me for granted and show me  for once!!!!
OK.... off my soap box for right now anyways.LOL I am really not a mean or nasty person I am just a regular person who has had and done enough! I am taking back my holidays !!!!
I will have to add that last year I would not have had the balls to pull this off so I am happy about this.I just gotta be honest and let ppl know I am over it and done!!!!  
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. HAHAHAHAHHAHA


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China Grove, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2010
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