January 20, 2012

Jan 20, 2012

Today I went for my 2nd month visit with my PCP for my weigh-in and check-in. I dont think his scales are right though, cause I had just weighed at home and at physical therapy and they were the same and it said I didnt lose anything but then again also said I hadn't gained anything either. But when they weighed me at my PCP it said I gained 5 lbs this month. He was NOT happy bout that. I gave him my food log with the calorie, fat, and protein count and he says I am eating the right things. He prescibed me a med for my thyroid, to see if that will help. He sent me for bloodwork recently to test for the thyroid and hormones but all came out ok. So he wants to see if this med will help kick in my metabolism. He also wants me to walk an hour a day, and also join a gym as well. He was disappointed in the gain, but like I said I think his scales are wrong since my scale and the physical therapy scales read the same. But I guess his is what counts. Gonna get me a new scale tomorrow (current one is only a yr old) and also go over to "Curves" and join there. He wants me to work-out there at least 3 times a week and walk the hour everyday. He doesnt understand why I'm not losing any according to his scale. He had put me on a 1200 - 1400 calorie diet to begin with, now he dont want me goin anywhere over 1200 calorie. He said 1000 - 1200 calorie is the max he wants me to do. We'll see.


About Me
Mineral Point, MO
Apr 30, 2005
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