Lets be Real

Jun 23, 2012

I never thought 25 lbs would be so hard to lose in my life! It's just 25 lbs. That's a 2 followed by a 5. Come on. I wish I could be one of those lucky women who just breast feeds it away, but unfortunately for me, nothing about breast feeding for me ever goes the way it "should." Almost a year out now, and those pounds are just as cozy where they are as they have been for the last year. My biggest achilles heel is that I'm a snacker. Love to snack. So does my husband, so no help there. I say this as he packs another handful of turkey jerky in his mouth. I want some. Jerk. 

So alas, there seems to be my problem. Well, that and have I mentioned that I hate working out? Well, I do. I must have the world's most lazy metabolism. So my new adventure is an inert attempt at Zumba. 2-3 nights a week, I throw on a Zumba party workout dvd and let 'er rip. Heh, well as best as I can. I don't know if I'm doing anything right, but whatever I'm doing sure gets my heart thumping, so at least I'm getting some cardio in there even if I look like how I would react if I walked through a spider web. 

At least my snacking has turned into a healthier version of snacking. Remember how I mentioned turkey jerky? Yeah, we go for the bird instead of the beef now whenever possible. I can't say that we eat a ton of meat anymore. We eat plenty of chicken and only beef once in a long while.  We try for whole foods when practical. Stay away from white/bleached foods, and also try to eat mostly multi grain breads and cereals. I keep sugar to a minimum (I type this as I eat a vanilla maringue cookie...don't judge) and I use Truvia to sweeten what I want to sweeten. As far as I can tell, Truvia and Stevia are as close to "all natural" artificial sweetners as you can get. And the taste of Truvia has grown on me, so a win all around.

I'm still not at my thinnest, but I know I'll get back down there eventually. In the mean time, I'll just keep on keeping on. One day at a time. Enjoying my family, and loving on my little ones.

Virginia Beach- June 15, 2012



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Newport News, VA
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