I finally gave in...

Sep 26, 2010

Ok, so all I have been hearing from people i s"You're doing great... where's the pics?" Sooo... I uploaded some pics. From Surgery day till this month.
So anyway, I had a good weekend! give or take :) The hormones calmed down for a few days. I have noticed that when I am about to get my period, I get really edgy. I never really experienced PMS before so I had NO idea what to look for. I haven't had a normal menstral cycle since I was a teen, and even then, I never had reactions like that! I think the combination of the hormone release stored in the fat I am losing mixed with the normal hormones that occur during that "dreaded" time are overwhelming me... but right after, I feel fantastic. So weird!
So anyway, I went to see my doctor on Weds. They said I am doing great! I am down 98 pounds per their records (They have me as 2 pounds less than I do. I use my highest as my start (345) they have me as what I was before the pre-surgery diet (343). Plus, when I weigh myself at home, I am usually in nothing but bra and panties and it's first thing in the morning. Anyway, they are happy with my progress. They gave me a sheet to get some blood work done and I talked to them about the pain I was having. They said it didn't sound like anything with my pouch. The location where the pain was along with the over-full feeling leads them to believe it may have been a gall bladder issue. They had me lay back and pressed on me to see if there was any pain. When I told them No, they told me to contact them if I feel that kind of pain again. I hope there are no problems with my gall bladder. I am not looking forward to another surgery just yet. I am just getting into a routine and would hate to have any interruptions to it at this point. I just wanna to keep moving along as I am going. I hate when life throws bumps in the road!
Speaking of bumps in the road, my ex-husband got into a car accident today. Freaked everyone out. He fell asleep behind the wheel while driving home with his mother in the car. Totaled his car and everything. Just wasn't a great end to the weekend. He is home tonight and fine... granted, he has a concusion, but he is lucky it wasn't worse! His mother had a cut on her head and that's all, thank God. My sons are handling better than I thought they would. Sometimes, I worry about their ability to handle shit like this. The fact that they NEVER seem rattled makes me feel like they either don't grasp the severity, they don't care, or they care and are holding it all in so the fact that they are upset won't upset us. I am really hoping it's the first or even the second. The 3rd is what leads them into turning into me. And I don't want that!!!
Well, on that note, I am out of here for the night. It's  getting late and I am in the middle of a good book. Thanks for reading and I will wirte again! Go ahead, just you try and stop me.
Yeah. That was stupid. But I'm gonna leave it in. Why? Because I CAN!
Love ya!

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About Me
Wallingford, CT
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2009
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