How I am preparing

Mar 16, 2010

I am very happy to be in the care of Dr David Flum.  Although, I have only had the initial sit down with my surgeon, I just got a great feeling for him at the UW Seminar.  This is not my first go-around.  I actually backed out of getting my surgery back in 2004, I just had too much turmoil swirling around me, and frankly the surgeon my old HMO provided me was less than supportive.

My primary care doc, Judith Fleming,  is fabulous.  She is able to see beyond the fat, and has always treated me well.  She gave me a great complement - 90% of her patients cannot follow through in the long run, but she felt I will be in that 10% who can use this tool & succeed.  Is Gastric Bypass extreme?  Hell yes.  Is being inactive acceptable?  Read my last response!

Presently, I swim 3 days of the week, for an hour, I swim a mile each workout. Walking is really difficult, but it is an activity I am striving to be able to do with ease... I used to be able to do three miles, five days a week with ease. 

I am seeing a physical therapist - working toward getting physically ready for the surgery.  Starting slow, but hoping to increase my activity.  One week after my initial appt. I had a seven pound loss.

I have already started (two weeks ago) a very low caloric diet - 1000 - 1200 calories daily.  I am reaching back to when I was on a supervised liquid fast - replacing two or more meals daily while having one low fat high protein meal.

