Six pounds down, another 27 to go...

Aug 24, 2010

I guess I should have paid more attention when I heard, "It's harder to lose weight as we age..."  Grrrr!  Keeping the food journal, my worst cheat day was 1635 calories, my best 865 calories.  Staying away from wheat/grain carbs, indulging in veggie & fruit carbs, and getting great protein & water consumption.  So damn slow, that scale is just sticking it's tongue out at me.

Kinda threw some weight around at the doctors office, ha ha!  Karen, the nurse who has been weighing me all these weeks, actually considered my behavior, took me to the surgeons scheduler, and got me a consult with the surgeon - yeah!  September 20, three days before my birthday, and HOPEFULLY a surgical date in this YEAR!  My BMI had the scheduler concerned, but damn it!  I am compliant!  To hedge my bets, I will ask my primary doc to send over a letter!  Couldn't hurt, could it?

I have close to a month to drop another 27 pounds, so I guess it is back to the old grind stone!
B  : )~

