Cooler Weather, still need More Water...

Aug 27, 2010

As I sit here drinking my coffee (yup, typical for Seattle!), I realize I am dehydrating myself.  More water - not flavored, not ice tea - my body needs more water.  I had two weeks of good weigh ins, then I realized yesterday, that I had allowed my water consumption to fall a bit.

When I have heard the basics of "how much water should a person consume, daily" I laugh a little -- Guess I need to swap my 40 oz bottle for a gallon jug!  One is supposed to drink half their weight in  ounces - that is a scary number!  Then, I realize after surgery you are not supposed to drink with meals, I still like to drink a large glass of water before I eat.  Some studies have shown it does assist in weight loss.

Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink... Sounds a lot like Seattle & the Barista Shacks on every corner!  With that, I am going to fill my water jug, now!

B  : )~

