Optimism in the Face of Pessimism...

Jun 17, 2011

This morning I decided to take a mini vacation from my scale.  I am at a plateau, which makes me check the scale more often, so I just won't check my weight until Monday.  Good things come to those who wait, right?

I am not originally from the Pacific Northwest, so I am still adjusting to the weather.  Yesterday, I heard we have only seen 6 days of 70 degree weather so far this year. So when I say I am freezing, believe it!  Today is a lovely day on my hill.  Again, depending on what part of the Seattle Area you live, you will see sun, drive ten minutes and you will see ominous gray clouds threatening rain.  The suns appearance made me consider asking friends to bring grill items for a swim on Sunday - only to hear the grumblings of my boyfriend that the rain is supposed to be returning this weekend.  There is a Brenda-ism I say about "Summer in Seattle" -- it is three weeks in August, and we may even see 90 degrees during that time -- well, it ain't August, yet.

Why do I sound like I am belly aching?  It is my constant balancing act, optimism & pessimism.  Hell, I just have to seize the day, even if it starts out sunny just to turn out cloudy and gray.  Seattle is a lovely place to live, it just isn't a warm climate, so I dress accordingly.  Don't rat me out, but I am back to drinking coffee, it helps me fight off the chill.  I drink a lot less coffee these days, so hopefully I am not being all that bad.

Here is an odd thought for you, I love to go swimming in the Winter & Spring in Seattle - most of the public pools are INDOORS.  It is warmer in the pool then outside, so it makes sense to buy the year pass just to stay warm.  Okay, so I may not get to swim in the ocean, but I do enjoy getting together with my friends once a month to swim - indoors - at a semi private pool.  Damn it, I am going to put the word out that I will bring the charcoal, so they should bring some meat when we get together to swim on Sunday!

Come to think of it, I have an invite to an indoor beach party in a week -- it is supposed to be beach attire -- hope I can pull off my swimsuit & parka outfit!  Life in Seattle is warm when you factor in the people, so see, there is my optimism creeping in.  No scale today, just my usual swimming laps and staying on my diet.  Depending on how you twist it, just about everything has a bright side -- stay positive!

Brenda : )~

