Weekends are made for...?

Jul 09, 2011

Is it Saturday, already?  How fast this week just sped by... What are YOU doing to take advantage of the weekend?  Me, I am spending my time with friends and family.  I even have been kind to my pets!  My garden was calling my name, I am thanking the weather for not making me want to stay indoors.

You know, I have never been one of those folks who talks about what "I am going to do when I am thin..." Sure, I am still very fat, but I am a whole lot closer to a normal size and I am not in as much physical pain as when I started this journey.  Believe it or not, I love doing stupid things that are just plain fun.  I have a neighbor who lives below my house who has five ducks in his backyard.  Going out on my deck to just "quack" at them makes me smile.  Simple pleasures, I guess.  I probably look/sound silly, but it sure makes me smile when I do it.  I wonder if the veggies growing on my deck are happy when I "quack"?

Just because I am not able to buy my clothes in the "normal" section of the clothing store doesn't men I cannot go out and have fun.  Think about it, every time you go out & have fun, you are burning calories, and getting healthier!  Oh, and laughter does improve your health, it is a medical fact!  Live life out loud.  Staying inside is boring!  Go climb a rock, a hill, a street, just don't sit on the couch thinking about what you will do when YOU are thin.

Shhh, don't tell anyone this, but I am wearing my boyfriends shirt, and it makes me feel kind of sexy!  I used to fill out the shirt, now I feel dainty, all 340 pounds of me!  If he asks you why you let me go work in the garden in his shirt, tell him I am an unstoppable force of nature!  Now go outside & have some fun!

Brenda : )~

