FREE Swimwear AVAILABLE, see my Album marked Swimwear...

Jan 16, 2012

Hiddy Ho, Fellow OH'ers!!!

The snow finally kept me home, but I am making good use of my time, by posting available swimwear - note, I even have ONE for the MENFOLK!  Please go check my photo album marked SWIMWEAR, and contact me if you want a suit - or have a suit to pass on to another OH Member.  Thanks to Poet Kelly who helped me get the ball rolling!!!  I still have a bunch of boxes to go through, so I may have more to post, and even some for larger guys (4X - 7X).

Well, I guess it was a good thing I actually ventured out yesterday to swim, as Seattle FINALLY got snow, woo hoo!  Okay, I am a little weirded out my my being so gleeful, considering I have complained almost non-stop for five of the last six years I have lived in Seattle -- "I'm SO cold!!!"  This has been a fairly easy Winter for me to deal with, and that includes the lack of insulation from the 165 pounds I have lost... But, sadly, it was the First NON White Christmas since I moved here, so I felt almost cheated.  Someone actually asked my neighbors permission last night if they wouldn't mind having photos of their house with snow on it -- their Christmas Lights are still up -- made me laugh.  My swim mileage tally as of yesterday is 32, which may take a big hit this week, as we are supposed to be getting a lot more snow, hmmmm.  Glad I have an exercise bike downstairs!

Last week I made a stand at a retailer for a whopping $12.44.  Yup, I was miffed and not going to accept a gift card for a purchase that WAS a Christmas gift, just because I believe in getting my shopping done early... Thirty day returns should be considered a little differently after Christmas, you Fashionista's... Guess the company, yet?  Anyhow, it took calling customer service FOUR times, got hung up on twice, but even called back to THANK the operator who called the manager at the store, just to make him hear my plea.  Yup, I sometimes go out of my way just on principle.  I originally asked for the manager & was DENIED his attention, so I decided to make a bit of a stink.  Guess who was given a "just this once" exception to the return policy?  Moral to this story, if you have Christmas returns - NEVER wait an extra week, you may not like the store policy...

Have you lost your Holiday Weight Gains???  I have, so I am pretty happy ;)  I am finally down to my lowest weight, including my rebounding between holiday treats and dealing with plateaus.  It is a pain to my sense of "YOU CAN DO IT," but it happens to all of us.  Just keep your focus on what you are supposed to be eating (and NOT eating), get your WATER intake in (try hot tea on cold winter days), and do not forget that exercise RAISES your body's core temperature -- feel the burn when your thermostat kicks on & burns calories!  My resting heart rate at my doctor's office was 65 the other day, so I am pretty happy to say my heart LOVES my swimming.  Don't forget, as you lose weight, your body usually uses less calories, so maybe you need to tweak your menu...

My sweetie is working from home today.  No holiday for him, but I still only saw him briefly for breakfast.  I went out to feed my wild animal friends - squirrels, crows, other birds, and unseen critters, so I have enjoyed the view from my front room window.  My lazy cat, aka "Tubby Tabby" is keeping me company, and making sure the quilt doesn't fall off the back of the sofa.  My kid is off enjoying the holiday from school, so I will check in with her to see if she will be needing help getting home, it is snowing off & on, and I live on a hill.  This weekend I actually went through my "tea cabinet," as my daughter was requesting certain tea flavors.  How many of you have trouble getting your water in when it is cold?  Hot tea is keeping me happy, and I am finally getting to drink all those fun flavors I forgot was in the cabinet. 

Something that crossed my mind yesterday, I really do NOT mind climbing the stairs for forgotten items anymore!  Okay, I have to admit this, maybe to help someone overcome their laziness.  I sometimes would just shrug and accept that I forgot something upstairs instead of going up after it -- or worse yet, ask my kid to retrieve it.  Back, over a year ago, I started trying to climb the two flights of stairs inside my house ten times a day, just to get exercise.  As of the first week of January, I am also climbing UP as well as down the four flights at the Aquatic Center (used to take the elevator, then switched to taking it just UP).  Something I hated doing before surgery, but now don't even think twice about doing, taking the stairs.  I actually keep all my supplements upstairs to purposely make myself go up and down more often.  My suggestion, set a goal, and take it slow, see how many flights you can take in a day.

Stay positive and remember movement/exercise keeps you warmer than just sitting around surfing the web!  Now, I have to go upstairs to take some more supplements... Stay positive!

Brenda : )~

