Snow is Dangerous to Your Waistline...

Jan 19, 2012

Third day at home, and the Governor has declared a "State of Emergency" for Western Washington.  Maybe all the fools who still try to drive on icy roads should just realize that it doesn't snow too often; just sit it out, and keep warm at home; should check out a news report.  Duh.  I haven't heard any traffic yet today, but I live in a hilly residential area, so I am happily content.  My satellite dish isn't in the mood to work, but I have lots to keep me company, including an exercise bicycle.  Don't let weather keep you idle, it will ruin your waistline!

The simple math of weight loss, calories in, minus calories burned, equals weight loss/gained.  Already having severe second thoughts for having breakfast cereal instead of an egg & protein shake... At least it wasn't ice cream, or worse.  Being stuck at home is a good way to tell if you still have "eating issues," as food is available, too available.  No worries, I just remind myself, "Whatever I eat in private, will show up on the scale at the doctors office... Do I REALLY NEED to be eating THIS?"  Okay, so maybe guilt is the wrong approach, but it seems to work in this case for me.  I am facing another follow up appointment on February 7, and I want to continue to be "consistent" as my surgeon's Nurse Practitioner called me on my last visit.

One of my suggestions to folks about wanting to lose weight is to do it for YOURSELF.  Yup, how many times did you say "I want to lose weight for" - insert name - and it wasn't yours???  I am doing this for me, but admittedly, I also am a people pleaser, and hate looking like I cannot do something.  Do you think I have control issues? I'll be the first to admit my short comings, and the first to point out I would make someone a GREAT life coach -- just don't look at my life, ha ha!  Either way, I try to be honest with myself, and if it takes my vanity to get me to stay motivated, well, then LOOK AT ME, please!

Putting my story out for "all the world to see," has made me more honest with myself than I may have been in the past.  A person can only get away with, "But I really do not eat THAT MUCH..." before someone sees them chowing down at a fast food restaurant.  If you live by what you say, you don't have to lie to yourself.  Oh, I do go out with friends to eat, but I still box at least half of every meal, and try to remind myself not to eat THAT MUCH, or it will show up on the scale.  Keep a food diary, it will blow your mind.

Idle minds do not need to be anywhere near the pantry-- Brenda-ism number 492 - I just made it up!  What is it about not having a routine that makes for Head Hunger???  Man, I think if someone could come up with a pill, they would make more money then could be printed!  I hate Head Hunger.  Boredom, the Head Hunger's Best Friend -- another Brenda-ism... Maybe I have had too much coffee?  What I am trying to do is to remind myself, and anyone reading, to not let the kitchen call your name.  Come up with something productive, or in my case, write.

I weighed myself this morning, clothing on, figuring if I liked the number, I am doing all right.  You wouldn't believe my internal math, "How much does my shorts & top actually weigh?  Five pounds?  I wish!"  Then came the, "You are on your period, so that adds a little weight..."  I then chuckled, bent down to pick up the scale, and told myself, "Shut up, you need to ride the bike an extra half hour..."  Inactivity is the worse thing for those of us who are usually battling weight and eating issues.  Hello, my name is Brenda, and I have an overactive imagination that allows me to eat too much... Try not rationalize eating, trust me, I could come up with infinite reasons to eat any given item.  Try to eat in a "mindful" way - be aware of why you are eating - for sustenance, not just for the pleasure of eating.  Eating while I am bored is a dangerous combination, so I now know why you can buy "single serve" portion sized food! 

Okay, enough sitting in one place for a long period of time, it is time for me to walk around my house!  I will be upstairs getting my supplements, then down two flights of stairs filling the one pellet stove, then I will walk the main floor looking for chores.  Three days later, I am happily home & not going to binge out of boredom!  Don't let weather give you an excuse!

Stay positive!
Brenda : )~

