After Four Nights of Camping Out in my Home...

Jan 23, 2012

The power is back on, and I THANKED the workers when I ventured off my hill to go to the store.  I actually wished I was flush enough to buy them all coffee & donuts, then I stopped to consider that most the workers would be getting an incredibly fat check, so I think my thank you was probably sufficient ;) 

During the power outage I discovered the funniest thing, I had enough clothing of various sizing to wear FOUR layers and not look like the Michelin Man!  My boyfriend joked when telling friends about my antics, but I still think I looked smartly warm, so there!  Nothing like wearing a scull cap & gloves in your bed, and NOT be making a fashion statement.  How do people live with this kind of snow?  I salute all you folks out there, and trust me, I am joking as I whine about the recent storm that NO ONE saw coming.  My overall temperament was actually pretty upbeat, so that is another thing I learned about myself, I do take "hiccups" pretty well.

To all the kind folks who sent me fun notes while I was having a trying time, thanks!!!  I will get back to all of you, I promise.  To those who are waiting on swimsuits, I DID get two in the mail, and will figure out what I have to get out in the next day or so.  I haven't had mail service since Tuesday, so I actually went to the Post Office and discovered that First Class Stamps went up while I was snowed in -- check your Forever Stamps.

Going without swimming was not fun, and I will admit I did not have as much enthusiasm on the exercise bike.  I just had so little to look at -- snow on my deck, that was a little frustrating.  So today, I finally got back to the pool, and finished mile 38 -- that makes 562 to go for this year.  I am proud that I did not get so bored that I went into the cupboards, so high marks on keeping the Head Hunger at bay!  I did figure out some goofy ways to make oatmeal fun on a propane burner... I actually made FACES with fruit chunks and flax seed to stare back to make my family smile.  So what? I already know I am a goof, if the world finds out, I doubt it will hurt my political career... I drank more tea over those five days then I think I drank in the entire month of December, so I am a little bored with tea at the moment.

My world is coming back into order - if you could call my life orderly at any stretch of the imagination - so happiness is having a warm shower after waking up in a heated house!  Sadly, I was HAPPY to finally vacuum!  I think I may need a psychiatric evaluation, after all is said & done. The things one takes for granted: a clean floor!!!!  Stay positive!

Brenda : )~

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