6 week update

Jul 28, 2011

 I can honestly say that I am starting to feel semi-normal if not normal. The dizzy spells have all but vanished and now its just lightheadedness if i go up the stairs to quickly or get up quickly. My stomach has become more tolerable of different foods but is still sensitive so i am taking it slow. I am having a hard time with the protein still but really pressing the issue. I purchased the BSN lean dessert protein shakes in banana flavors and those have saved me tremendously but i can only do them with milk. They taste great! However I am having aversions to sweets still everything is way too sweet and that kinda send me into a gag-fest!!! I have actually been craving meat and seafood and I was not really a big seafood fan prior to surgery. I have been craving tuna and crab salad... and sushi! But ground beef is still my number one hero right now.. it tastes great and sits extremely well with my tummy!
I think I'm finally moving down on the scale but really slowly in the past two weeks I'm just now down another 4 pounds.. Its time to hit the gym! I have anxiety about it but i know I can do it if i set a small goal aka 10 minutes on the treadmill then gtfo! LOL Hopefully i will get used to it and stay another 5 mins.. etc I have been in better moods lately and am generally happy. I finally found my darn camera but it seems the batteries are gone.. i will post a pic later today after i get some batteries! Sad to say i dont have a pic to compare it to as I forgot to take before body shots.. grrr! I will find something on this computer that might work.. haha! Hope you are all doing well! :)


About Me
Arcadia, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2005
Member Since

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