Just checkin in

Jul 19, 2011

Hey good folks! I hope everybody is doin good, feelin good, and lookin good! I have no idea where to begin...so much has changed in my life in such a very short period of time. So...here I go. I went to my one month check up last week. My doctor didn't say he was disappointed, but I kinda feel like he was. I'm down 26 lbs today, but this time last week, I was down about 22. I thought that was great! I figure it's coming off faster than I put it on. He encouraged me to drink more, eat more, and get in more protein. He did say he still loves me tho. And he asked me if I was mad at him lol. When I left his office, I went to wal-mart and bought me a big 2-liter jug thing that I can drink out of. I knew I wasn't gettin in enough water. Now, for protein...ugh!!! That's a whole story within itself! No excuses...I just didn't like it. I brought two cases of chocolate shakes from Sam's. It was fine at first cuz I would drink them almost frozen. But somewhere down the line, those things made my pouchy rumble like a jungle! I did not like that at all...felt like I had a BM coming, but it would only be gas! And for real...my gas don't stink lol! I'm for real tho...I was prepared for some funky gas, but its tolerable. I'm not one who thinks my ish don't stink cuz it does...but my gas don't  (I'm silly!) Anyway, I got me some of the powdered Isopure, the vanilla kind. I mixed it with all kinds of crystal light cuz that's about the only thing I drink...don't like that either until TODAY! I mixed it with some peach, wal-mart brand bootleg crystal light...and I like it! I'm so excited about that. I wanna do right so badly. I wanna make my docs proud of me when I go back in a month cuz I really do appreciate my RNY and I don't take it for granted. Other people see my loss, but I don't. I have noticed that my neck has gotten smaller. People keep tellin me I look like ma now which is fine cuz my mama is hottt! I'm buying size 16's now (from the goodwill department store) but I'll still wear my 18's. I won't go back to work until August anyhow.
Now, on another note...I'm getting married again!!! Me and Paul will renew our wedding vowels in October. It'll be 10 years, and I may have forgotten some of the vowels so I think it's a good time lol. Our wedding was very small and kinda busted. We plan on having some fun this time around. We're gonna renew our vowels at the reception so we can get straight to the partying!! I gotta get a dress. It won't be a big 'ol gown, but it'll be nice. I won't buy it until sept. cuz Idk what size I'll need. Hopefully not a 16! I wish all of yall could come!!! We'll leave for a cruise that monday afterwards. I've never been on one so this'll be interesting. I know I'm supposed to post some pics...I will. I just haven't taken any. Well, I'll burn yall ears up again later. Thanks for reading! And DON'T GIVE UP..YOU HEAR ME????


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Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2007
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