
Never Had It So Good

Jul 03, 2012

My favorite new summer song...So Good by B.o.B. It pretty much explains how I'm feeling lately. Since July 2011 there have been significant changes in a year, and it has me smiling.

Well haven't blogged in months. I'd like to say that all this exciting stuff happened to prevent me from blogging but that's something I can't say.

My weightloss has been slow. There are a few reasons for this. Reason #1--My taste for all things salty and sweet is back (I need to control that better). Reason #2--I decided I was going to regulate some things and go back to taking my birth control pills. Without my diet changing I gained 5 pounds in the two months that I took them. Stopped taking them for two weeks now and I dropped the 5. So...I'm going to stay away from them until I lose more. I'm soooo close to the 170's. Reason #3--The exercise has been sporadic, definitely not consistent at all.

So that's about it. I'm going to have to work on Reasons 1-3 so that I can be in the 170's before the end of the summer. But you know no stress, I'm still happy! A friend gave me a picture from before and I was like wow I've come a long way. People tell you that but until you see it in a picture, it's hard to believe.

I've had a little attention from some cool people, but definitely no one special. You know when you're larger and people say stuff like oh if I lose weight I will meet someone (yadda yadda yadda). It's not necessarily true. Or at least that's what I have found in my life. I mean attention is not always good. Don't get me wrong I've met people and I've been gettting attention but it's nothing that I can honestly say I'm impressed with or excited about. I do believe that it will happen and when it does I think I will be ready and I will be able to appreciate it. 

Something I can say is that people definitely treat you differently. Like out of habit I'm still going to the plus size section in stores and looking at stuff and the sales people who do not know me from before are directing me to the regular sizes section. I will admit though, I still look at plus sizes in dresses so I can accommodate this bust without looking like I"m stuffed in something. I don't know its definitely different. Also friends will say things like you look good and say they're jealous but I tell them not to be jealous. I mean I don't know why you'd even say that. I'd be happy for someone who lost weight and I'd never say I was jealous. I tell them how they can lose weight without surgery...watching carb intake, watching calories, eating more lean meats and vegetables, and watching those beverages. I even recommend weight watchers. I believe it's a good program for someone learning how to eat healthier without buying program sponsored food. People don't like that answer though. I don't know...not everyone is ready for the big change yet.

So anyway, that's been about it. Other than that, been pondering my life's purpose and my next step to working on fulfilling it. Still not sure yet but I'm working on figuring it out.


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Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2011
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