Waiting for a surgery date...

Sep 27, 2010

Apparently Synergy won't "officially" schedule a surgery date until your insurance has paid for the consultation visit.  I understand that, but boy I wish they would pay up so I can know for sure when my surgery will be!!  According to the member site, I.H. will be paying it on Friday, so here's hoping I can get a date on Friday, or at the very latest Monday.  I am a very "planful" person and I like to know things well in advance so I can plan accordingly! 
And of course, my tight schedule and small window of time for surgery (ie. winter break between semesters!) is making me nervous that if I don't get the soonest date possible after classes end in December, I won't have adequate time for healing before classes resume in January.  Synergy has told me repeatedly that they will accomodate my crazy schedule, but I worry about such things until they are finalized... I like things to be finalized!

