4 1/2 months out--229lbs---Down 84lbs!

Jan 17, 2010

I am now 229lbs! It feels great!  The last time I was 229lbs was 10years ago! It's wonderful to be more active and feel lighter.  I am still recovering from my hysterectomy, and that's been okay also.  I got the results of a CT scan I had 2 weeks ago, and they are good!  There was no evidence of any cancer anywhere!  While that may be good news, I still have to undergo some type of preventative treatment.  The type of cancer that I have is Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma--and while I don't have a uterus anymore the chances of it recurring elsewhere is a definite possibility unless I take medication to suppress it.  I have been referred to another Oncologist to see what my options are.  Within the last week I have been feeling very Menopausal.  I have had hot flashes, and fatigue, and just an overall odd feeling.  The hot flashes are very strange--it feels like someone suddenly turns on a heater that is blowing really hot air on you. It is uncomfortable.  I have definitely been irritable, I am a lot more impatient than I was before.  My Dr. has told me I "will NEVER be able to take hormone replacement drugs, EVER!" He was emphatic about it. The hormones could fuel my cancer for sure.  I am going to have to research my options.  Other than ALL THAT, I am feeling great.  I have a positive outlook and I know that I am going to be better really soon!

