What I do when I'm not on OH

Aug 19, 2010

I'm very passionate about the City of Dayton.  Our town and our state is part of the dreaded "rust belt" and oh, how I hate to use that expression.  I'm tired of people dogging on Dayton.  Unless you live here and experience it first hand, you have no clue what an amazing place is.  We have four seasons, we're on the western edge of the Eastern time zone so it stays lighter later, our cost of living is low, our quality of life is high and the people are amazing!   

We are at a crossroads and this town is full of people who love and care about Dayton in general and downtown in particular.   We have the opportunity to create the city of our dreams, and how many people ever really get the chance to say that about their home town.

So when I'm not all wrapped up in recreating myself with this surgery, I have been busy transforming the neighborhood I grew up in.   Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.  You can also check out my company website at www.fullcircledayton.com which will be updated again here in the next couple of weeks.  


About Me
Dayton, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2010
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