So far, so good.

Sep 28, 2010

Things have been going so well so far.  I don't see Dr Maguire until a week from today (he's out of town this week) but I started soft foods on Sunday.  I've had no problems, other than getting everything in (protein, water & vitamins).   I haven't been sleeping well and suspect it's our mattress.  I get into bed and my back starts to ache (although it's fine all day) and I cannot find a comfortable position.  If I do, it seems like I've got 5-10 minutes before I have to shift again.  So I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms (we're empty nesters so we have several these days) and if I sleep well, we're going mattress shopping tomorrow!

Because of the lack of sleep, my schedule is very erratic.  And I have a tendency to "wake up" by checking my email from my phone while in bed, so sometimes I get distracted and I may not have breakfast until noon!   I'm working on it though and today I was able to get in 74g of protein and if I finish this glass before I crash, I'll be over 90 oz of water.  I just popped my last multivitamin so I think I got all of it in today.  It sure takes a lot of practice and focus!

Hubby has been walking with me most evenings.  It actually works out best when we go out immediately after eating, it makes the 30 minutes without drinking anything go by that much faster!   Every night we go a little farther.  Tonight my feet were bugging me a bit - the first time since surgery - so I'm hoping this isn't a set back.  Either way, we've super chlorinated the pool and will add PhosFree tomorrow so it'll be super clean.  The heater is back on and I should be back in it on Thursday to swim laps or work with my beloved foam water dumbbells.

Mostly, I'm just so pleased, blessed and stunned by how easy it's been so far.  I've not had a problem with nausea most of my life, so I didn't expect it now, and haven't had any.  If I eat or drink too much or too fast, I get a strong hiccup and feel lots of gurgling and that's my clue to slow way down or stop.   No pain, no real discomfort, but I'm also learning to avoid that hiccup in the first place.

Now I'm not saying this has been totally smooth sailing.  I've had my days where I'm frustrated, fed up and about to become a headline - but it subsides pretty quickly.  I remind myself that #1 this is a journey and I don't have to have everything figured out now; and #2 that I've stripped away a lot of my coping mechanisms (food, alcohol, Advil, caffeine, sugar) and I've got to fill that void with something more productive.   First up is a presentation I'm giving on Oct 8th at the Regional Neighborhood Networking Conference.  That involves a lot of Powerpoint work which is a creative outlet for me.  Once that is out of the way, I'm going to pull out my old embroidery machine and reteach myself how to do it and start making holiday hand towels for the house and for gifts.   I also want to improve my photography skills. 

So, like I far, so good.   Doc said I'd have an easy recovery because it was an easy surgery for him to perform.  He wasn't kidding!  Oh, I forgot the two week stats - down 14# since surgery, 31.5# total, BMI has gone from 41.3 to 36.7 and I'm one pound away from losing 25% of my excess body weight. 


About Me
Dayton, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2010
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