TMI and Lady Stuff

Nov 11, 2012

So most of my life my period was best considered a disappearing act.  I never knew when I'd have one if I even did.  I've gone months to even years without one.  Then 2 years ago I got my tubes tied and suddenly they're keeping semi-regular give or take a week.  Well since my surgery they seem to be even more consistent.  I just had to adjust that I'm not on a 30 day cycle more like a 35 day cycle.  That being said I started my period last night and omg I'm going insane!

I want my comfort foods!  I want the Pepsi, the chocolate, the breads!  I'm in a total freakout over here.  Number one because I feel like someone is trying to pull my belly button and lower abdomen out through my spine and Number two because the normal things I'd do to feel better are NOT ok. No carbonation allowed.  This is one of the rules that has been easiest for me to follow.  And suddenly I feel like I'd choke a hoe for a Pepsi.  Historically I drank THOUSANDS of empty calories a day.  I'm trying really hard not to fall back into that.  When we calculated it before my surgery I drank more calories in a day than I would eat in a week!  HOLY MOLY!

I still haven't broken the habit of drinking while I'm eating.  I was raised from the cradle that you always drink while you eat, and I seem to choke, gag, and more if I don't.  So I try to just sip to help moisten whatever it is I'm eating, but its the HARDEST rule for me.  I really want to learn to follow it because it seems so important.  It's just crazy though!

I also eat more carbs than I probably should as well.  But with my Selective Eating Disorder my total food options are pretty limited anyways.  I try to be good and make the healthiest choice available that I can tolerate but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever accomplish my goal.  

I'm trying to decide if this is me or the hormones talking, and I'm just not sure.  I know that with my cramps as bad as they are the last thing I want to do is anything lol.  I should run to the gym this morning, but figure that the skating party this afternoon for my daughters birthday will be a workout in and of itself so maybe I don't have to go to the gym....but thats me being lazy lazy lazy.

The first day of your period every woman should get like a 36 hour pass to stay in bed and be treated like a princess where she can be miserable in peace!  Oh well, I'm off to make homemade french toast for my daudhter, her friend that spent the night, and my roommates.



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Surgery Date
Jan 20, 2009
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