Frustration or New Beginnings????

Jan 21, 2012

It has taken me a little while to compose myself to write again on the website.    I was just reading my most recent post and was very positive as to how the first part of my evaluation went.   I guess i was the fool!..........????  I went about my day but was dumbfounded when i went to the next appointment at the clinic on Tuesday December 26, 2011 and needless to say that i had taken a PTO day and all right before Christmas for my final evaluation day in the process before scheduling the surgery.   Well...... here is what happened and I want this to be out there since my experience was a  very upsetting event and want people to know what may happen when they continue to work with the Barriatric Program at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN.     So.... I show up and i thought something was strange when i did not get a reminder call of my appointment and arrived early and to my surprise they DID NOT HAVE ME ON THE SCHEDULE!  They were nervously typing away and said my appointments had been cancelled internally the Thursday before but the Clinic Manager Teri was TOO BUSY TO CALL ME BECAUSE SHE WAS BUSY WITH ANOTHER PROJECT.     Needless to say i held my composure and was shuddled into a little office about a half hour later and a representative (not sure of her title) came and said that they cancelled my appointments all together.   Apparently my CASE went before their committee (interdisciplinary) and they found that i was not a good candidate.  That i "looked good in person" but "not very good on paper"!  What does that mean i  will never know.   I then had a brief little meeting with the Barriatric MD (not a surgeon) who saw me during the first meeting and she went over my lab work and had a brief review of them but did not have any reason for why they denied me.  No one seems to know and no one will bother to tell me.....  Teri--the nurse manager is actually a friend of my sister's and i would have thought better of her and such a well respected program to let me know  in advance.  But i guess not..... I have left multiple messages for her and no response.   And.... to review.....the only response was that i could contact other programs or try again later with them.   The answer is a big NO.   I have a lot of experience in Health care management as a nurse/health care provider and i would never treated someone like they have treated me.  Very unprofessional. 

I am also very limited in my PTO days.   My father's cancer came back with a fury this same week that this happened.....right before Christmas.  He has been in and out of the hospital and we are praying for him and "storming the heavens" for his recovery and peace.   Today is a good day for him.  He just got out of the hospital and is at home with mom and my sisters today while i work.   He does not want me to have GBS and wants to pay for me to do Weight Watchers again.  I have had good results with WW in the past and will entertain the thought of doing it again.   It is good plan for me and has been effective for so many people in the past.   I have been spending a lot of my time with him in the hospital and helping out at home with Mom.   This was a day that i could have used the PTO at a later date if they would have the decency to let me know in advance.

I have now turned this frustration over and have an upcoming appointment with a very well respected barriatric surgeon and program.   My appointment is  next week Tuesday.   I will keep you posted and thanks for letting me vent.

One thing for sure.....this did not and will not effect my sobriety and/or my serenity.  Peace

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