Update to my journey!

Aug 03, 2012

Good morning everyone!   It has been awhile since i posted on here.  I have been pretty busy with things lately.  I am so sad to report that i lost my favorite guy in the world on April 12, 2012.  My dad died on this date- it was a beautfiul experience with Hospice and being there with my Dad, mom and sisters and family was a wonderful experience.    I was actually the one who gave part of the eulogy at his funeral.   I was just thinking the other day that i still can't believe i did that ......and that he is gone.   I miss him so very much.  He was getting so weak in the last few days and couple weeks of his life.  I am so glad that that on Easter (just a few days before he died) he spent the day with the whole family and he and mom shared their 45 th wedding anniversary that day and it was my mom's birthday (yes...she got married on her birthday).    We were all at Bucca on this day and i looked at my dad and i started crying and he looked at me and gave me the "two thumbs up sign and whispered it will be ok".    I think about that day a lot and know that he is in a better place but it still makes me sad.  He was such a wonderful and caring guy.   He would give the shirt off of his back for someone.  

Dad did not want me to have the surgery and i hope that he is going to watch over me while i go down the road of weight loss surgery.   He was always "worried about me" and his other girls (my mom and 3 sisters)! 

Regarding my surgery preparation..... I had hit a few roadblocks as i had mentioned earlier....i ended up hospitalized twice with cellulitis in the lower legs and had to be put on bedrest with my feet up on a Lasix drip and catheter to get rid of the fluid (i know....TMI but just one of the side effects of obesity!), i also had some blood pressure issues and with my dad dying my PCP wanted me to wait a little bit to actively pursue it.   I have completed all of the required testing, lab work, psychological testing and have the follow up with the psychologist next week to see if i passed the tests and then schedule with Dr. Leslie one last time and submit to the insurance.   I am keeping my fingers crossed!    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!    I want to join all of you on the other side! 

Have a great weekend!  Please send any tips or ideas my way if you will on losing the last few pounds i have to before i can schedule my surgery.


