The deed is done!

Feb 12, 2010

Well I had my WLS on Tues about 1pm. I was in ICU around 5pm.
I have to say, this is NOTHING like I was expecting. Nothing what I was prepared for. The pain, the leghargic and sleepiness.

I was up and walking right on cue and even more then most people (per my nursing staff). I was energized and ready to go! I get home and it's like...reality sits in! I am soo tired all the time and just want to sleep. Yet I read the matirel and it says that I should be up and doing light house cleaning?!?! I was floored! All I want to do is sleep! My head was pounding and I just knew it would never stop! Fortunately I stopped taking the pain meds and my head doesn't hurt nearly as much.

I walk up and down the stairs several times a day and I hope that will help with getting my strength back. We are going tomorrow to get B12 and protein powders. My friend that had the RNY said that I would never get my strength back if I didn't get my protein up. So, that's my number one thing is to get more protein in. Just feel soo dang tired!

I honestly have to say, if I'd known it would be like this, I would NOT have had the surgery. I would have instead gone to my nutrionist and gotten a healthy eating diet and exercise program. The person that posted on here that WLS is HARD and NOT the easy way out....are SOO true!! It is MUCH harder then just putting the burger and fries down!! Because now for FOUR weeks there is nothing but liquids.

I know, I'm having a pity party and missing all the things I can no longer have. Everyone says it will get better. And as long as I keep focused on what is REALLY important, then it will! I didn't want to be on life sustaning drugs or have adult onset diabetes. At least this way, I won't as long as I follow the program.

Thank you soo much for your support and love!

