It's FRIDAY BABY...don't know what I'm getting soo excited for.

Feb 26, 2010

Well this is Jay Jay's final weekend at home! He leaves out on Sunday afternoon for army basic training.

He won't be having a basic training graduation for family and friends like they traditionally do since he will be at the same base for his AIT (advanced individual training) training and they will just have one big ceremony at the end of ALL his training.

It's a good and bad thing. He will have everything done and completed and know where he'll be posted and we have more time to save money for the trip! hehe

I sure am going to miss the help that he's given me while he's been here. I will miss him hanging with the little boys and helping out with them. I will miss his great sense of humor and his support for me in losing weight. I will miss his protective nature of his mom! Now I'm gonna cry.

I'm not really worried about him going off to basic and then his first base. He's an adult and it's time for him to get out on his own and live his own life. I do worry about other kids in basic picking on him, he does have a stutter. He is one of the easiest people to get along with and a hard worker. He does need to mature and learn to be more responsible, but that comes with age I think. hehe I do of course worry if he's sent to the middle east. Obviously! But, it's time for him to make his way. Time for him to see the world and find his place within it. For him to find a good girl, one that is kind, caring, giving, and loves him for him. Time for him to spread his wings and see just how high he can soar. All the while I'll be watching with pride and praying that he knows little of pain and suffering and if those should come into his life that it is brief and he is able to place it in its place and move on.

The schools here have decided to tack on an extra half hour daily til May 3rd to make up for the time they missed because of the ice storm. So what this in essence means is that I have to get up a half hour earlier, get the kids up a half hour earlier and then they get to school and get a half hour MORE for their breakfast at school. Don't see the point in all honesty. If you are going to make up DAYS...MAKE UP DAYS..not this bullshit of half an hour.

I'm doing good on the pouch test that I told Cindy I would be a part of. I have had 2 protein shakes and working on getting my 40th oz of water in and then only have 20 more to go tonight and one more protein drink so I get my 60grams in for the day.

I haven't gone walking today. It has been so nasty and horrible. I think I will go walking once my husband gets home. I really have to walk my dog twice a day once Jay Jay leaves since he runs him 2 miles nightly. So once he leaves I CAN'T slack. hehe Granted I won't be running him, but walking him at least 40 minutes a day is good. I will go a few different places as well since dogs are domesticated wolves and wolves are a roving animal that is use to migration and loping through the country side. It's part of their genetic make up. It just breaks my heart to see dogs left in a fenced in yard and that's their life. They never get to go out and sniff around or walk the neighborhood or explore. Such a sad existence. Left to linger alone and not even getting to be a full dog and use all their senses.

Still waiting for spring!! hehe

