Homemade chili burritos

Apr 08, 2010

1 lb ground lean beef
1 can drained beans
1 med yellow onion, chopped
1 med bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup corn (frozen workes great)
1 can diced tomatoes
1 packet taco seasoning
1/4 - 1/2 cup water (if desired to make it more soupy)
1 crushed clove of garlic (or 1 tsp jarred garlic)
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper
1/4 tsp cumin
lavish bread

*brown meat w/onion and bell pepper
*drain mixture and rinse with water
*place meat back in pan add rest of ingrediants and simmer mixture for 5 minutes
place a spoonful of mixture on a lavash bread and top with fave toppings.

greek yogurt (or sour cream)
grated chedder cheese

homemadeburrito.jpg homemade burrito picture by minnlay
Homemade chili burritos

