A day of exercising.

Apr 13, 2010

Well first off I get some GREAT news!! A lady on here has a grandson at the same army post as my oldest son going through basic the same time! I hope that they are going through basic together and able to support each other! I worry about him since I haven't heard from yet!! I hope he writes soon!! UGH!! We have so many family members DYING to write to him and give them their love and support. I know he has to focus on his training, but I know the letters and cards would be such a boost to him!!

I have been exercising since 2pm today!! hehe I took the dog for a walk, then did my C25K program and then went to the gym and did one hour on the treadmill and then about 20 minutes on strength training my arms. I know I've dropped some weight today buddy!! hehe I didn't work my arms nearly as hard as last week. I was STILL really sore til SUNDAY!!! That's too freaking much!! lol When I told my nutritionist (he works out every Tues at the gym at the same time) he was all excited and was like. "That is soo great! You can totally work through that three days after your last strength training you can get back to working your arms." I hit him the arm and called him a sadist! lol He urged me to go come back later in the week and work my arms again, but it was hard enough my husband getting off on a regular basis for me to make ONE day of the week at the gym. I'm doing good with my C25K and looking forward to getting on the scale at my WLS support group!! WOOT! Go me! I'm working my big butt off to get a wittle bitty butt, well not too little, to make my 200lbs goal by May 7th. I can do this!! I KNOW I can! 

I have my FIRST race EVER coming up on April 28th!! WHOO~HOO!! I won't be jogging or running. But I will be walking it. I don't think I'll have any problems walking the 3.5 miles. I think it will be great fun actually. I'm not sure if I can take my mp3 player. Not sure that is allowed. But I'll have it on me just in case. I'm gonna encourage EVERYONE at my WLS group to come out and walk with me. I think it will be great for them too! hehe

I'm back to my C25K tomorrow. I'm not going to wear my sweatshirt tomorrow. I was really warm enough today without it, but I had my old raggedy shirt on and was embarrassed to be seen in it. hehe Patrick makes fun of me for worrying what others think. But I like to be presentable. Ya know? Make a good impression and look nice. Looking nice makes me feel good. That's what's important right? Gonna go have my hair done and my nails done this payday too dang it!! Even gonna have a new cut.....
whatcha think??? Is it me?? I can't wait! I'm really gonna like it! I hope.
and if not, then it's only hair and give it three weeks to grow out! hehe

I got The Beck Diet Solution today in the mail and I'm THRILLED to start reading it in the morning!! WOOT! I think it will be soo good to have this added tool to help me as I keep on this path of health and happiness and having the life and body that I want and deserve! There have been several people on the boards that have said good things about it and so I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth in and doing the steps everyday! It seems to be a six week process that you engage in daily. WOOT! Just what I need. A blue print on how to do this daily!! Thank you Lord!! My prayers have been answered!! hehe Go me!! lol

I'm doing very well actually. For having gone to bed at 3am last night and back up at 8am. I'm doing exceptionally well. I won't be staying up that late tonight. In fact I will be in bed BEFORE midnight! I'll read my scriptures and then head off to bed! hehe After saying my prayers. I have so very much to be thankful for! I think I'll add that the Lord please inspire my son to write his mother that is starting to get worried!! hehe

God bless and keep you. Let his will be done and may we all be showered with love, acceptance and charity for our worldly brothers and sisters! Love to all!

