Day 2 of the Beck Diet Solution

Apr 15, 2010

Well I have actually read day two AND three since day 2 deals with diets. Since I'm on a healthy eating style I just wrote down what I would be eating and how I would be eating from here on out. She did have a good idea of not 'forbidding' foods from your diet, since once you put that label on them you want them all the more. I've decided to do the. "I'll get it later" mind set. For once I'll make laziness work for ME! hehe Once I get the craving/head hunger for sweets or junky carbs I'll wait 15 minutes and do some activity and then see if the urge comes back then I'll use the 'sweets treats' card (I have a 3x5 I'm using) and have a treat on either Friday or Saturday. Not both days, but one. So then I can have that to look forward to and once I get to that day, hopefully I'll have been working on getting over that urge and let it go. It's all about distraction and exchanging one habit for another.

I have reviewed my affirmation only once today. I will do it again before I go to bed (which I will be doing as soon as I post this! hehe) so I will get in the two times that is re commanded by the solution.

I am enjoying the book a lot. It's all knowledge and counseling like I have done in the past for my own treatment groups, but I like that it's focused and organized in such a careful and precise way. It's so very helpful and straight forward.

I'll post tomorrow about the wonderful day I had today! One of my goals is to be in bed no later then 11pm and I'm already over that with stuff I've been doing around the house. I didn't even get a dog walk in since I had to cook two dinners in one day (one for tomorrow). So I feel badly for the dog, but he'll live and I'll give him a doggy bone to chew on in his kennel. hehe Off to read my scriptures.

