Thurs was a great, active, busy day

Apr 16, 2010

I know many people look at running errands, driving about town to and from appointments and events as bothersome and inconvenient, but for me, since I'm home ALL the time. It was soo nice to have a day where I got to get out and be with PEOPLE and meet up with a great friend! Was lovely seeing you Kim!! You look AMAZING!!! Soo inspiring!

I went yesterday and had a ME day! I got my hair cut in a new style (I'm still working on how to style it and will post photos once I get it to look they I want it to! hehe) and got my nails done! I have been MONTHS without my acrylic nails because money has been so tight, but, I took 22 dollars (+tip) and went and had them done at a wonderful place! They were so friendly, nice and engaging. Just lovely people and wonderful shop! Clean, bright, and smelled heavenly!

The one draw back was I was offered an eyebrow wax, half off! So you know they are looking bad when they are offering you a discount!! LOL Have to take care of that today!! But rather have full eyebrows and pluck them then have pale, thin ones like my poor mom does! hehe She's complained about them my WHOLE life!! hehe

So, my hair is REALLY thinned out. I'm wondering if maybe I was a bit hasty. The dread three month hair loss is coming up on the 9th of May!! UGH!! I'm soo hoping that I've kept up my nutrition and protein enough that my body doesn't take my hair! I'm not overly vain about it, but when you've had as much as I have for your WHOLE life, hehe I think it will be VERY odd to have it just start falling out. I do though however will be getting a cute, or sexy wig to wear if it DOES happen! I'll post photos of that too! My friend who had the RNY never lost ANY hair!! So I'm hoping that will be me. I have been doing GREAT to get my protein in. A day of me NOT getting it in is very rare and odd. It is NOT a norm. So hopefully my body hasn't been too shocked by my WLS and won't hate me enough to kick my hair out! lol

It was a beautiful day yesterday as well. Which I guess the Lord gave me as a treat because he's dumped dreary, wet, and nasty weather back on us here today. It's been drizzling all day, on the up side, I have had two GREAT recipes that I will be posting from last night and today!! YUMMY!!! hehe

