The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 7

Apr 21, 2010

This to me is probably one of the most important lessons of the book!

It is about getting those tempting, junky, unhealthy foods out of the pantry/cupboards and kitchen. Out of the house even. If that's not possible then hiding them, stashing them or otherwise getting them out of your line of sight.

This is just what I need! I have hidden a few of the cookies my kids take to school in their lunches, and I have a box in the garage that I put the chips and 'special' treats in to keep the kids from eating them from the pantry. I'm gonna put ALL the 'bad' foods in that box! It's such a GREAT idea! If they aren't there for me to eat, then I can't possibly eat them! And getting that box down from the top of the food storage in the garage is more work then I am willing to put into it!! hehe

Last night I posted about my gorging myself on food. Any food! I can only assume that it was in part due to my period and to my repressing my pre-op eating habits and it finally just boiled over. Luckily today I have only had my protein powder and tonight I'll just have my herbal tea and water. I'm motivated and I'm committed.

I have decided that every day I will recommitte to my healthy life and eating. It's the only way that I keep myself and my eating on track and accomplish my goals. I have started a new response card that is my "Today I will" card and I read it every morning to get me ready for the day. It's amazing what a positive motivating reminder can do for shaping you for what kind of day you will have.

Today I will:
I will make good healthy eating choices all day long.
I will not eat after 9pm.
I will go to bed at 11pm.
I will eat every three hours of my cup of food.
I will jog my 25 minutes.
I will take the dog for his 30 minute walk in the morning and at night.
I will not graze.
I will have a smile on my face and have only happy, calming, peaceful thoughts.
I will be the best person I can be.
I will be loving, kind, generous, and caring to myself, my family, and strangers.
I will exercise my brain as well as my body.

