My Thursday

Sep 17, 2010

So here is my Thursday.....

  I actually have to back track to Weds night. The hubs was going to have to work late (this I had already known), well his working late turned out to be working til MIDNIGHT and having to arrainge lodging for a visiting amputee col that was going to be speaking at an event tomorrow (Friday) which the sgtm wanted to happen and then just thought his wish fairies (my husband and staff) would just KNOW to make happen (see the stupidity of army intell now??? hehe)! Well it came down to a major (yep a two star sargent major out RANKS a major!! and a sargent major is ONLY an enlisted!! lol) and hubby getting everything squared away (actually just my husband doing the leg work and making sure to keep the major in the loop since the major was heading ANOTHER project! UGH).
Hubs had to work late detail that night, but didn't find about the arriving Col until 3pm!!! He had to go up to OKC and pick up the man (who is handicap since he had both his legs blown off) and drive him back here. There are two graduations going on here this weekend so ALL rooms are booked. Finally someone got smart and put him in one of the historic EMPTY homes (since he has to have wheelchair accessible features and the historic homes are one story TINY things, I mean they were built by Custer!! lol).
Since I had the car I had to wait up til midnight (leaving the kids home alone sleeping) and go pick him up from work (luckily he literally works up the street, yeah for living on base! hehe). I was not going to make it AFTER midnight!! THEN I had to get back up this am at Oh-Lord-it-is-too-damn-early-for-this-sh*t! and take him BACK to work (with a stop at the ATM, since I had to keep the card to pay for things), and he was back to escorting the Col around. The Col is way cool and not a big issue, but he IS a VIP and active duty (he serves as the commander of the wounded soldier program)! So if things were NOT up to par, then the sargent major would have got an EAR full from a col that doesn't give a SHIT that the sargent major actually runs the base!! He's old school (the Col) and thinks you should do your job! hehe Luckily the hubs is a good staffer and covered his boss's butt!
I had to do homework with the kids last night, bathe them, and get them to bed so I could get them up, fed (which normally Patrick does since he's just coming home when they get up from his PT), dressed and out the door since I had vet appointments this am and my WLS group at 1pm.
I had time to literally RUN Toby for 15 minutes to help work out some of his energy. I get back, THROW myself in the shower and get SOME of the sweat and stink off; toss the hair in a pony tail and throw powder on me before going and hunting down the cat (who LOATHS the travel kennel, vet, AND going in the car...lovely that! hehe) and shove her into the kennel. Get the dog in the car (who was bouncing off the dang door he was soo freaking excited to go for a ride!!! UGH) and come BACK in the house from the garage to find the cat had rolled herself IN her travel kennel onto the floor from the couch where I had placed her (understanding how much she HATES going places??? hehe)! Picked up the silly thing in her kennel, put her in the backseat and off we go to the vet. Get there and Toby meets a nice boxer and they chill together. Some chick comes out with a scared, nervous black lab puppy and Toby and the boxer INSTANTLY sense the weakness in the puppy and the woman didn't help by lifting the dog UP in her arms! Toby lunges! UGH!! Yeah for the muzzle!! The boxer starts growling! hehe The lady rushes out with her puppy and the two dogs settle right back down and chill. Then Toby perks up as some techs come out and get too close to Gracie's kennel and he lunges again! He's going into guard mode. UGH!! Have to defuse quickly and put him through some tricks for his treats to redirect his attention and give him something good to help calm the now anxious dog that is worried someone is going to make off with his cat (whom still does hate him and evidently is DYING in the kennel from the sounds that are coming from it! Who knew that hell was in a cat travel kennel!! lol)! We finally get INTO the room (luckly the re-modeled the vet clinic and now there are actually ROOMS! Before it was just a long room with areas partitioned off?!?! So now if Gracie decides to jump out of the kennel, she can't leave the room! hehe We get in there, cat is first. Get her out, high temp and they are going to reschedual. They look at the scabby things (there are more) and they agree with Brandy. Irriation from flea bites. The vet thankfully checks her charts and sees that Gracie tends to run a higher temp and says she's good to get the shoots (thank you Lord, I do NOT want to have to take her back again! lol) and I order her flea guard. Then it's Toby's turn (joy). He's already stressed from the attacking tech and the nervous unbalanced puppy commotion. I get him up on the table and he's on guard. He's high, he's in unfamilar place and a woman just made his cat howl!! Damnit!! This is war!! hehe She comes at him and he lungs! My gosh you'd think I had NEVER trained him! I actually asked for the tech he knew, joy joy, she has moved away! lol The woman holds her ground and doesn't back down from Toby (smart woman!) and he settles down. He doesn't sense her being nervous and lets her near and she checks him. She pulls his leg and he gets a bit nervous (to draw blood for heart worm test, he's clean), but he does good. Then she comes at him with the nail clippers. He would have bitten her had he NOT had the muzzle on! My dog has NEVER bitten anyone?!?! Not a good place and not good energy! I'm the one stressed by this point and he is on the table IN FRONT of me with the tech on the other side. He's now guarding his ANXIOUS nervous owner! UGH!! Yeah for me NOT handling it well. Finally treats come out and I chill and he does. He gives her his paw, she clips and we are OUT of there! She was a very calm and GREAT tech!! We go out to pay and he lays down to SLEEP!!!! Really?!?! NOW you are going for Mr. Cool?? Sheesh! He walks out a happy camper with his nose to the oh soo smelly ground and is in heaven! He SLIPS the muzzle off and I drag him to the car. To hell with obidence! Just get your furry butt in the seat so I can strap you in and bitch at you on the way home while you lick the window in joy to be on a car ride with mommy talking to you!! LMAO!!
My neighbor txts me while getting ready for the vet and I tell her since she has no car (they are a one car fam like us. hehe) we will head to Wally world and get some grocieries since her husband has been working late too this week. We head out once I get the animals out of my car and the car seats back in and have a nice time shopping. Her daughter LOVES me (mostly she just likes getting out of the house and seeing people! hehe), and she walks with me and helps me shop. hehe No issues, one potty break and we head to What-a-burger (I know what you ladies are thinking!! Nope..not me!! I was GOOD! hehe I order a grilled chicken salad and a HUGE water (lately it's like I cant drink enough water. I'm wondering if it's the effects of the BP meds since that is a water pill...anyhoo) and drink that in the car while she gives her kids (they are little 2 1/2 and one) some of the kids meal she got for them. Get home in time to unload my groceries (barely get the frig stuff in the fridge) and get to my WLS meeting!
I get up to surgery (where it is normally held) and I'm told to head to the double doors and it's on the I head there at a quick walk and silly me I'm looking RIGHT...and all I see are human resources...I KNOW they aren't in there since it's key card locked and we are NOT employees. I finally txt one of my friends at the meeting and she comes out of the door RIGHT BEHIND me....on the LEFT!! Gee...novel since I should have LOOKED left!! hehe
Get in to the meeting and there are a HUGE amount of people in there. I think of all the people in there only maybe four of us MIGHT have had surgery. It seems that once people are getting surgery they just stop coming. The RN running the meeting says that there are some changes coming. They are seeing a LOT of folks with regain. So evidently the program they are running now is NOT working well. They are not getting ENOUGH information out there. A lot of people hear "you CAN'T tolorate, there for you CAN'T eat" such and such because your SURGERY won't allow you...rather then: "If you expect to lose weight and keep it off PERMINATELY, you need to make eating changes and life style changes." The RN says SOO many times that just because you CAN eat that bacon cheeseburger, doesn't mean you SHOULD. They have also gotten much stricter on the pysch evales. Use to be, when I did mine, it was a rubber stamp. Literally. The guy I met with didn't even address WLS, we ended up talking about my sleeping issues (which he was a dumb ass and just ended up pissing me off. lol) and oked me for surgery. Now, they are really examing people and their behaviors and personality and realy checking to make sure that they fully understand and are seriously committed to this procedure. Since it's FULLY paid for! Which I think is a GOOD thing. So great meeting. I hear there is going to be a clothing closet (yeah! I can get the clothes out of my closet and hopefully to someone that can use them!! WOOT!), and those of us that have had the surgery will have a meeting time for us. Which I understand, but also think that pro-ops NEED to hear stories and get facts from post-ops. I think it's HIGHLY helpful. But, I can understand since WLS has become a HUGE part of the surgery unit here.
I get out of the meeting, go back over to surgery and ask if I need to get in for an appointment since I missed my six month due to schedualing and dealing with Stephan. if I DO need to then do I have to do ALL new labs since I just had TWO full sets of labs done in late aug by two different docs? hehe The nurse took my info, question and would call me if I DO need to have an appointment. I'm thinking since they are fully booked for surgiers for TWO months that I'm good! lol They can just look up my labs on the computer see if they fall within the guide lines (which my PCP checked and I was good on).  Get done there and head down to the pharmacy and get my meds and then have to head off base (since they don't cover FULLY Pristiq) to get that one filled at Walgreens.
Back on base at 3pm and home in time to FINALLY eat my salad (oh it was sooo good! I have been craving salad and fresh veggies!) and enjoy a bit of quiet time before the boys get home.
Kids home, and txt Patrick when he's going to be coming home. He txt me and I'm doing something, get to the message 10 minutes later and he says come get him. So I grab Joshua and tell the older two I'm getting daddy, well by the time we get down the street, the man says I took to long and he's been spotted and roped into doing something ELSE! lol He says normal time (5pm) to come get him. I tell him he's wearing camo to BLEND damnit!! hehe To keep his head down and not make eye contact or hide out in the bathroom. FINALLY at 5pm we pull up in time for me to get the txt he's standing there typing (his back is to the car) about come to get him now. Joshua shouts out the window "Hello daddy!" he spins around waves and says he's got to put his offical vehical keys in the locker. I tell him he's got 30 seconds and if they try to make him do ANYTHING else. I'm letting Joshua loose on them!!! hehe
So home he comes. He is grumpy and tired (of course) he's laying down and being all goofy and flirty! lol Silly man and I make dinner. He doesn't eat much of it and heads to bed at 6:30!! lol
So again with homework with the kids, reading and getting them in bed. lol
Tomorrow. I'm doing NOTHING!! But walking the dog, yoga, and probably a nap!! hehe

How was yours?? hehe

