Peaceful Wednesday

Sep 29, 2010

Today I will....
~be kind, loving, and healthy to myself
~love my body and mind and know that I AM who I want to be
~speak kindly, lovingly, and softly to my kids and family
~take time for myself
~eat only healthy meat & veggies
~ have a completely carbless day
~ leave desserts out of my eating from this day forward
~exercise my dog for an hour daily
~ review this affirmation as often as needed.


What I have ate:
fiber cereal w/almond milk
L: Thai mushrooms & butterbeans w/tofu
S:  serving of almonds
D: 1/8 cup whole wheat pasta & 1/2 cup alfrado sauce w/turkey sausage, onions, & peppers
1/4 cup alfrado sauce

My Schedule:
7:40am~ Wake up
7:45am~ Shower kids for school/ get kids dressed (monday & Weds)
8:00am~ get boys' breakfast & ready for school
8:30am~ Stephan on bus ~ my morning yogurt
8:55am~ Kaleb & Joshua on bus
9 am~ yoga
10am~ walk dog/C25k
11am~ shower/brush teeth/ get dressed/ hair & make up
noon~ Lunch
12:30pm~ house chores (laundry, sweeping/mopping, cleaning, ect)
2pm~ writing, spanish study, flute practice, ME time
3:45pm~ get boys' snack ready
4ish pm~ Boys home from school & eat snack
4-5pm~ My program
5-7pm~ cooking/eating dinner & clean up; make lunch(s)
7pm~ boys homework
8-8:30pm~ Little boys bed time
9pm~ Quiet time w/Stephan & yoga
9:30pm~ Stephan & my bed time (brush teeth, wash face, face cream)

Thoughts, Feelings, Rants~~

I did my breathing exercise this morning and then the neighbor called for me to come and look at her dog (he's not eating and VERY thin) and see if he did have something in his throat. I felt it and it was just his throat, the ridges in it that she was feeling since he's soo thin. She has been calling the vet and not able to get through and actually TALK to a person. I told her she'd have to go in and actually make an appoinment in person. Poor doggy! He won't even eat canned food! He's really sick! He tried to eat some while I was there and he had dry heaves and just threw up stomach acids. I hope she's able to get him in soon, cause he's SUPER thin!

I am going to be doing my yoga before lunch. I soo love doing it! It just makes my whole day! 

I am hoping that I won't be getting a call from Joshua's teacher today! I reminded him all day yesterday and this morning that he needed to act nicely! If I do have to go get him, then I'll have to walk down there. I soo need to get my bike! UGH! Food and paying bills of course take priority over getting a bike! lol Plus Kaleb's birthday is this month. He is wanting a party at McDonalds. hehe So gotta have the money to pay for that. I'm hoping not very many kids will be coming! hehe Can get expensive! 

I have a friend coming to Dallas for a visit on the 19-21 of October and I totally want to get down there and see her! Patrick put in paper work to get that day off so I can drive down there. WOOT! Gonna be TOTAL fun I think!! Yeah us!! hehe

I'm just doing laundry and cleaning here and there.

Stephan had a HORRIBLE headache last night and went to bed without eating dinner or his brownie! He was totally NOT feeling well to NOT eat his brownie! He woke up and he was VERY warm so I gave him some Tylenol and a popsicle. I didn't want him to get dehydrated. He got up this morning and gave him more meds and some cough drops since he was coughing and he was soo good he started right in on doing his homework that he didn't do  last night! I was so proud of him for making such a good choice and being responsible! I have to think of a good reward for him for doing that. I think I'll go shopping Friday while they are at school and get him a special treat.

Kaleb wants to have a picnic this weekend. My neighbor told me about a really cool park so gonna take them there so they can feed the ducks too! I think they'll love it! Nothing better then a picnic! hehe Take the dog so he can enjoy the great outdoors too! I need to buy a ball that the boys and I can kick around in the huge back field of our house now that its finally a nice cool day. Have all the windows open since this morning and the A/C is OFF! Woot! Just the fan and opened windows with FRESH air flowing in!! Love it!! Patrick has had our bedroom windows opened since a couple of nights ago and just soo wonderful and fresh smelling and LOVE the great breeze. I do think fall has FINALLy arrived! hehe

There is never a time in life when YOU are not important! Make time every day for YOU.


Had a wonderful night! My phone died while talking to a friend from a RPG game I played many years ago. It was soo wonderful to catch up and find out what is going on in his life! 

The kids were very good tonight. Even though the little boys didn't eat their dinner. They all did their homework and Stephan even read to Joshua! Yeah for him! He really seemed to like it too! I think that might be something that I have him do several times a week. Not only helps him with his reading, but also helps build his relationship with this brothers.

We played our blind man bluff game tonight and I've been thinking what other games can we do before bed. Tomorrow we are playing London Bridge is falling down. You know it!! hehe I think it will be soo much fun! Plus help them learn rythms! Which is always helpful.

I just finished Step four in my "Thinner Tastes Better" book and about to post what I have found helpful. It's an exciting part of the book since the doctor gets down to telling you HOW to change your mindset in relation to certain foods. It's something I've been doing, but his is a bit more focused on specifics of just food, where mine are food, life, and relationships. Because it is a whole.

Just a good family night! Just a wonderful day. Tomorrow will be just the same! Good day, gret kids, wonderful husband. Perfect life. Not in that my world and family are perfect, in that my life and my soul are perfectly where they need to be. In God's loving hands to guide me to what will help to make me a better person, mother, and wife. That's what is perfect. I thank Him for that. For loving me enough to give me hardships so that on days such as these I'm so very thankful to be able to rest easy and enjoy such beautiful splender and share it with those I love and who love me.

Stock Photo - family of four
hugging each other.
fotosearch - search
stock photos,
pictures, wall
murals, images,
and photo clipart

It doesn't matter what you call them, as long as love is what is shared.

