Still moving forward...slowly but surely

Sep 21, 2010

We met with Kaiser's Nutritionist and a Doctor describing the surgeries available at Kaiser, I have been in 2 other seminars already so I already knew what they were talking about.  It seems each time I hear the potential risks, it still scares me.  I keep thinking I can do this on my own but always come back to the realization that I cannot.  I have tried for the last 11 years and have not been able to get this weight off.

I can tell my mom is a bit scared, she is 63 so she is right there at the age where they may tell her no but she is still scared of possible side affects or complications.  I don't blame her, I would be at that age also.  I am scared at my age and I am 37.  But I keep feeling like time is running out so I need to do this.  I asked my doctor to set me up with a weight loss program through the physical therapy department, she said someone should be calling me regarding this but I never got a call.  I am going to have to track down this department person so I can set up some appointments.  Besides all that I am having health problems, which always brings me back to my weight and how I would just be better off doing the surgery.

I am so thankful Kaiser offers the Sleeve but too bad they don't do the procedure at their facility where I live, I will have to travel an hour away for appointments.  But whatever it takes.  I am down from 282.5 to 265 so that is something :)


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May 05, 2010
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