11 weeks 6 days

Aug 27, 2012

Hello Blog!
So here I am almost 12 weeks and 50lbs down from surgery.  The scale is holding steady at 264 lbs but thats okay because on Sunday I fit my butt into a size 20 and, get this, I buttoned them.  Isn't that great?  I got compliments on how good I looked from a couple of people.  It felt amazing.  I'm glad to finally be getting responses to the loss.  I want people to notice, I went through a huge huge lifestyle change to get where I am.  Next week I see Dr. Gens I want to be in the 250's.  By the end of Spetember I want to weight under 250.  I also need to think of a way to avoid all the fair food at rochester fair.  In all actuality I take my kids to McDonalds and I don't have a problem with not eating there so hopefull the fair will be the same sort of deal.  Stress at work has been a little crazy lately with drama but hopefully that is over now.  Moving on to greener pastures!!!!!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 17, 2012
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Before & After
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February 2012 – 351
I am just 4lbs away from goal

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