Eight months out and making small goals!

Dec 16, 2009

This post is way overdue.  I have been so busy with work and the holidays, that time just flew by me.   This Monday was my eighth month out from RNY.  I am happy to say that I just got on the scale and weigh less that 250 pounds, for the first time in over twenty years.  I weighed in at 249.........and I am taking it!  I also made a trip to the Avenue today and picked up a pair of size 16 jeans.  I was going to buy them for a spring break trip to Orlando in March.  I went to try them on to see how much more I had to lose to fit into them.  They went right on!  WOW.  Now I know the Avenue clothes are cut larger than normal - but a 16 was EXCITING!  I just wish I could get a pair of tall boots there to fit over my calves!  :-(    I will be sure to post some pictures from my upcoming holiday party on Thursday night.  I am looking forward to the new year and working hard to get to goal.  This is the year, I can feel it!

