Take the right amount of MEDS!

Apr 27, 2009

The days after getting home from the surgery, I blogged about the terrible pain I was in.  I was in pain because I was only taking a third of the meds I was supposed to take.  They gave me a one teaspoon applicator with my medicine, and I then somehow read the bottle as take one teaspoon.  It said TABLESPOON!   I could've had been on cloud nine and almost pain free.  Once I started taking the medicine as directed, I could handle the pain on my left side.  I even started to get up and down without as much squealing and such.  The bathroom even ended up to be a "not so scary" place.  If I could only go back in time................but I sure don't want to go back and re-experience that first week home.  NO WAY!

I had to drive my daughter to school that Tuesday, exactly one week after my surgery.  I got dressed, hobbled to the parking lot to get in the car and drive twenty minutes to get her there.  After dropping her off, I did not know what to do with myself.  I knew if I went home I would sleep, so I headed to Walmart in the middle of a brewing storm.  I parked in the closest spot I could and contemplated walking in.  This would be a big deal.  I think I sat there almost 45 minutes before getting the guts.  I pushed through the rain and grabbed a dry cart to use as my "walker" as I put it.  I walked aisle through aisle looking for things I could have in the next few.  It was the smallest amount in my cart ever!

I was very tired by the time I left, and had to go home to rest.  I had been bad at my walking, Walmart let me catch up on that, all at once.  Kudos!

