Some Peace Finally.

Dec 03, 2009

I think I have been to the Dr.'s more in the past week, than I have been in 2 years time.  I am finally done with all my pre op testing.  My PCP finally cleared me for surgery.  Yay!  Every time I had a blood test, something came back abnormal.  It was driving me crazy, this has been stressful.  With surgery only days away (next Tuesday) I began to think it may not happen.  I have been cleared, but I am having some additional blood tests to address an issue.  

While on my wonderful journey to WLS approval, I have developed several new conditions, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypertension and hypercalcemia.  I guess the timing couldn't be better for surgery.  I am young and I am developing all kinds of health issues.  Some are attributed to my weight and hopefully will go away as I lose some weight, some I am stuck with forever.  The women at my doctors were so excited for me.  They kept asking if I was excited. My reply, "yes, excited, but nervous."  I did not freak out when I found out I was approved.  I didn't jump for joy.  I was happy, but for some reason very serious.  I explained to someone today....I am having this surgery to improve my medical conditions.  If I happen to end up looking good in the process, that will be a plus.  My health it my number one priority.  If I don't get my weigh related medical issues under control now, I will I have serious issues down the road.  And the way I am going, it will be sooner than later. I have NOT fantasized about wearing certain things or being a certain size or running into certain people.  This is very serious for me and vanity has nothing to do with it.   Being fat is killing me, literally!  I can't wait to be healthier! 

So today, I can finally relax and look forward to the surgery.

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About Me
Southwest, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2009
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