26 Stitches Later....

Dec 11, 2009

I am home from the hospital.  My head is still in the clouds, so this post might have lots of miss spelled words and not make a whole lot of sense. 

I am 3 days post op now.   I survived surgery. whew! That had to be my biggest fear.  I actually did very well.  Better than my Doctors other 2 WLS patients. (at least that is what the staff kept telling me).  I got to take my bandages off today and I was a little surprised.  I have 26 total stitches.  Ouch!  Yes they hurt.  I've actually have cut my pain meds in half already, which I think is great.  

My personal account of my surgery-

1st Day-the pain was bad!  My doctor uses the ole blow your stomach up trick to make the surgery easier for him and less dangerous fro me.  The gas pressure made my lungs and heart hurt it was so bad.  I did not like the recovery room part of the surgery at all.  Waking up tied down and a tube down your throat is freaky-I don't care how many times they tell you, you will wake you like that. It is still disturbing and catches you off guard.  The staff was wonderful!  Everyone was so nice and informative!  My room was a private suite reserved just for my Dr.s patients. I could not talk at all because I had no saliva to speak of and I was so medicated, I could not speak in complete sentences....lol  A HOT MESS is how I would describe myself the first day.

2nd Day-Pain was improving and I could not wait to drink something.  I had to go for my swallow test at 9 am...it took forever.  They said the pressure of all the gas was keeping anything from going down.  Great.  Finally I did pass the test. I had to wait until 5 that afternoon to get anything to drink and I could only have 1 oz of fluid per hour.  Broth never tasted so good.  I was up walking, off of the iv and ready to go home.

3rd Day-The pain was even less.  I was burping. Finally some gas relief.  I was being discharged.  I had a 3 hour drive home and it was very uncomfortable!  I was so happy to be home.  The worse part was trying to figure out how to get out of the bed with no help.  I'll take it though.  The worst thing today had to be the removal of the drain they put in.  The pain is indescribable!

Today I was able to finally shower.  I was allowed to take off all my bandages.  I have an unusual amount of stitches. 26 of them to exact.  My BMI was high so maybe the surgery was too difficult to do those little paper cuts.  I have 5 incisions, plus one hole where the drain was.  I am feeling better, still sore.  I am trying work up to 2 oz of fluids every hour.  My new little stomach is small.  So I am babying it as much as possible.

No regrets here.  Everything went smoothly!  I think I have been having hunger.  I can't tell if it is head hunger or real hunger.  I can't wait to have some real food!

I am very happy at this point


About Me
Southwest, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2009
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