One-Week Followup!

Aug 17, 2011

So yesterday I had my one week followup.  It went well!  I'm on track and getting enough liquid.  I was worried that I wouldn't be getting enough, but after looking over my record they said I was doing great.  My sugars are well kept they said even though I'm off my meds, so I don't have to check everyday now.  I can skip a day.  Yay! To no more pricking

The nurse was worried because I was having problems with getting down my shakes, but I'm able to get down my 3 shakes now.  I guess if you dilute it with more milk, it works out fine.  So now I'm taking the Carnation drinks pre-made with an 1/2 half a cup of skim milk.  Gives me that little extra potein, but its all good!  

Exercising...they were impressed that I was doing all this walking that I have been trying to keep up.  However my weight really hasn't changed that much.  But now that it has been a week, I'm going to up my walking again.  At first I was only going around my block, but this one block is small and it only took 10 minutes to go around, and I was doing that 3-4 times a day.  Now I'm working on doing two blocks and because I can walk faster now it turns out to be 15 minutes and about 1027 steps.  So I'm going to see if can do that Morning and Night and the other two times, do some free stepping on the Wii.  The nurses were worried about the kind of activity that I was doing on the Wii but we assured them it wasn't anything major.

Dr. Gmora came and visited me at my appointment and checked my incisions and he says they are looking great!  We talked for few minutes and then left and before I knew it I was out of there, on my way home with a one month followup appointment.  All in all it was a good day.  Yay ME!! 

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About Me
St. Catharines, XX
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2011
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