The WLS Journey has Begun!

Sep 11, 2010

When I first contacted the bariatric clinic nearest me (back in April '10) they told me it would be 12 to 14 months before I heard back.  Apparently they were overestimating because after only 4 months they contacted me with an appointment to attend their Patient Information Session.  So I did that on Aug 25.

I have to say it was a very validating experience.  There wasn't much they had to say that I didn't already know as a result of the research I'd done before even seeing my GP for a referral.  The only thing that was news to me was that my hair might fall out as a result of the proceedure.  Eeeeek!   Since my hair is my most valued body aspect, that certainly freaks me out a little but not enough to abort this mission.  I'm told that it doesn't fall out for everyone and of course, it will grow back.    I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and move forward.

Then just this past Thu the 9th, I had my first appointment with my surgeon.  Again, no new information but it was nice to meet him of course.  He seems like a good guy, very friendly and answered all of my questions.  He definitely came across like there was little question that I'd be having the surgery.  I would need to yet see a Dietician and a Social Worker and they would need to approve me as a candidate but short of having a lousy attitude and a total lack of a support system, I should be anticiapting having the surgery.

Of course my attitude is good (I've been ready for this for years now) and my support system is Ernest and he's amazing.  So I asked the surgeon if it would be possible to have the surgery done a week or so before Christmas so that I could use the holiday down time with my work for my early recovery.  He said that shouldn't be a problem.  Once I've seen the Dietician and the Social Worker (my appointment is on Oct 20), I'll get an appointment to see the surgeon again and he'll give me a surgery date then.

I do have to attend a Gastric Bypass Class as part of the process and they've booked that for Oct 6.  It's a 3 hr class so Ernest is going to just love that! He'll be fine though, taking smoke breaks every 30 minutes or so.  LOL!

Speaking of breaks, I did finally quit smoking!  Yeah!    Good thing as being a smoker is reason enough to disqualify you for the surgery.  I'm definitely feeling better as a result.  No more wheezing or waking up feeling like I've been licking an ashtray in my sleep.  I'm still craving from time to time but my electronic cigarette helps big time.  (

And last but certainly not least, I've actually lost about 25 lbs since my diabetes diagnosis and getting my referral from the doctor for the WLS.  It's amazing since I haven't been trying all that hard.  The biggest factors in the weight loss have been that I've eliminated 95% of the sugar from my diet (ok, I still slip once in a while) and I'm eating a salad with dinner every night now.  Plus I've replaced most snack foods with fruit.  I can't even tell you how many apples I've eaten lately.  I experimented with different kinds and found a couple that I really like.  Didn't even know I liked apples prior to my diabetes diagnosis.

Well, here's to loads of delicious autumn apples and gorgeous multi-coloured tress in your neck of the woods!  And if you don't have the season change like we do here in Ontario, here's to relief from this horrendous heat that we've had this year.

Till next time, take self-care seriously and God bless!
Conceive, Believe and Receive... because you CAN!


