Still waiting

Apr 12, 2011

I'm discouraged.  I am PRAYING that my insurance company will cover my revisional surgery.  If anyone deserves this, I DO!!  I was a very compliant Lap Band patient.  I lost 100 lbs in less than a year.  I did everything right.  I did not cause the complications that forced my surgeon to remove my band.  I think things just happen so why punish me for it and not cover the cost of revisional surgery??  I have the rest of my life to think about.  I don't want to regain my weight but research shows that I will. 

It has been a daily struggle counting calories & carbs... keeping calories less than 1500 a day and carbs less than 100 GMs per day.  I'm working out..... I'm doing everything I can but my body has shot up to 170 lbs and seems to want to stay there.  There is definitely a component to this obesity epidemic that the medical community has not grasped.  How can you limit calories and carbs but STILL gain weight???  Part of my issue is refeeding edema.... I get that part of this is fluid but I am still stressing over every pound.

So that's the end of my ranting.  It was really more for me to just get it out and try to move past all of this crap I have been dealing with since my band was removed.  I have my fingers crossed and my eyes squinted tightly shut wishing, praying, hoping that this revisional surgery is approved... just so I can breathe and relax knowing that I will be fit and healthy for the remainder of my life.


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Jan 14, 2009
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