Getting there....

Dec 04, 2011

Tomorrow will be my 8 week surgiversary for my revision from Lap Band to VGS.  I am down 35 pounds already!!!  Now, 20 lbs of that was fluid retention I held for months due to the refeeding edema I experienced as a result of nutritional deficiencies due to my Lap Band complications but STILL..... 35 lbs in 8 weeks.  I'm thrilled and I am starting to feel healthier again

Surgery date secured

Oct 02, 2011

Finally... after several months.  My revisional surgery is scheduled for 10/5/11. 

Sweet Success!

Sep 28, 2011

FINALLY!!!  Insurance approval for my revision!    Now, just waiting on the date!!!  So ready to move on with the rest of my life without stressing about my weight every day.  I pray for a noncomplicated and successful post op course that will sustain me for the rest of my life co morbitiy FREE!!!  Thank you Jesus.  I am so very thankful for this!

STILL waiting

Aug 03, 2011

Another denial and another appeal... really?!?!  I did MY part!  I am a compliant patient.  I couldn't help my hernia complications.... I just want to have the revisional surgery so I can stop stressing about this.  It's so emotional.  I constantly think about calories.  I weigh myself every day because I am so concerned about regaining my weight.  Praying for an answer and surgery this month!

Still waiting

May 22, 2011

Insurance companies can really cause people stress.  I am still waiting to hear whether they will cover my revision.  I am so stressed and just ready for a decision so I can move on with my life.  Praying!!

Still waiting

Apr 12, 2011

I'm discouraged.  I am PRAYING that my insurance company will cover my revisional surgery.  If anyone deserves this, I DO!!  I was a very compliant Lap Band patient.  I lost 100 lbs in less than a year.  I did everything right.  I did not cause the complications that forced my surgeon to remove my band.  I think things just happen so why punish me for it and not cover the cost of revisional surgery??  I have the rest of my life to think about.  I don't want to regain my weight but research shows that I will. 

It has been a daily struggle counting calories & carbs... keeping calories less than 1500 a day and carbs less than 100 GMs per day.  I'm working out..... I'm doing everything I can but my body has shot up to 170 lbs and seems to want to stay there.  There is definitely a component to this obesity epidemic that the medical community has not grasped.  How can you limit calories and carbs but STILL gain weight???  Part of my issue is refeeding edema.... I get that part of this is fluid but I am still stressing over every pound.

So that's the end of my ranting.  It was really more for me to just get it out and try to move past all of this crap I have been dealing with since my band was removed.  I have my fingers crossed and my eyes squinted tightly shut wishing, praying, hoping that this revisional surgery is approved... just so I can breathe and relax knowing that I will be fit and healthy for the remainder of my life.

Refeeding edema/complications

Mar 25, 2011

Hi friends!!

It's been so long since I have been here.  SO much has happened.  I ended up losing 126 lbs with my Lap Band.  I was so very happy and was doing extremely well until Fall 2010.  I started dropping more weight.... dipping down into the 120's then the 115 -118 range.  I was having near syncopal spells and episodes of low potassium and low hemoglobin. 

By the end of November, I had an episode where I vomitted and was certain that I slipped my band.  To make a very long story short... I had developed a hernia and a slipped band.  I was extremely underweight... weighing 108 lbs.  My surgeon opted to remove my Lap Band due to the complications.

4 days after my Lap Band was removed my weight went from 108 lbs to 140 lbs.  Now... 15 weeks later I am up to 172 lbs!!!  This is all despite following a low calorie and low carbohydrate diet.  I was diagnosed with refeeding edema.  It is a very complex pathophysiology that could happen to any bariatric patient after periods of not eating then restarting nutrition.  I am taking medication to pull the fluid off and am awaiting a revisional surgery date. 

I plan to have the gastric sleeve procedure this time to help me get back to 130 lbs where I was happy, comfortable, and loving life.


Still doing well...

May 17, 2010

Just an update...  I'm still hanging out at 132-137 lbs.  Feeling GREAT!!!  I totally need to tone up my arms and legs but otherwise, I'm feeling fantastic!

I've Made It!!

Mar 09, 2010

It's been 13 months since my LapBand and I have lost 106 lbs!!!  There have been ups & downs.  There have been tears & regret.  Thankfully those times were short lived.  Expect variable emotions....good days and bad days!  The key is to return to WHY you had the surgery and overcome the bad days then eventually the good outweigh the bad.  It all becomes worth it when you taste sweet success!  

Half Way!!!

Aug 03, 2009

I am half way to my goal in just 5 1/2 months!!!  I am SOOOOO excited and glad that I did this for myself.  I was never able to do this on my own in the past.  Now, I am exercising and loving it because it doesn't isn't hard....I don't feel like a failure!!  I am feeling so good today!!!  Good luck my WLS friends!  We can do this!!!

About Me
Jan 14, 2009
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