125.6 lbs n sick

Mar 19, 2010

Yeah, that's not a typo.  I'm down to 125.6 and don't ask me how.  I've been eating my 1650 calories every day and still drinking like a fish.  Maybe this is my new post-PS weight?  I doubt it.  They lipo'd a couple of pounds of fat off, sure - but they ADDED a couple to my boobs.  So it should have evened out.  And also, I'm the exact same SIZE as I was up closer to 130.  So honestly, I have no idea what is going on.  I have been steadily losing from a post-PS weight of 130 when I was swollen.  But, I am the same SIZE as I was a couple of pounds ago.  So maybe it's just a water weight loss?  My pants feel NO different than they did a couple of pounds ago.  And I have been really sick, so maybe just fluid weight loss?  Who knows.  I'll obviously keep y'all posted.  (Although by the look of my last blog with was FEB 8, I need to do a better job of that.  I've just had no real TIME.)

In any event, I have been sick now for about 3 weeks.  It started out as a chest cold kind of thing - chest congestion and a bit of a sore throat.  I went on antibiotics for 14 days.  After that, I still didn't feel right.  So I called DR and he put me on Avelox (an antibiotic that had BETTER work since it was $60), then Clariton D and Sudafed a day or so ago when I still wasn't getting/feeling better.  I've been on that now for 5 days and have another 5 days to go.  Actually, I have gotten WORSE since on the 2nd antibiotic - but it's worse in a completely different way (like I got some other sickness entirely).  Almost as soon as I went on the Avelox, I developed a VERY runny nose (we're talking having to carry around a roll of tissue to keep snot from running out onto my face - yeah sorry gross - kind of runny nose), no sore throat, ears achey, head/sinuses EXTREMELY stopped up and stopped up and the ever present chest congestion.  So it was like I almost got well from the first thing, but then it turned into something else?  In any event, I had better get better.  If my ears aren't feeling good by Monday, DR wants me to see an ear, nose & throat specialist to maybe put tubes in my ears.  Have you ever even HEARD of that being done to a grown person?  I haven't.  But oh well. 

Update on the family?

My husband just finished painting my mom and dad's house and it looks great!  He is starting on ours next and I am super-excited.  It has been needing it (and he actually STARTED it) for about 2 years now.  So it's past time for that to be done.  He still likes his job.  They put him in charge of something though and he doesn't like that.  Thankfully, it is temporary and he will be done with it in a month or so.  I hope he goes back to what he was doing before afterwards because he liked that better.

My son is currently girlfriend-less, which is fine with me and he seems to be doing fine also.  He irritated me yesterday because he stayed after school with a girl (just a friend, but still) without ASKING/TELLING me.  I had to call him to see where he was.  I let him know as soon as he came home that that was NOT acceptable and he said he wouldn't do it again.  We'll see.  Track season has started and he is doing well.  The first meet, he did REALLY well.  The second meet he was sort of getting sick and just did okay.  The third meet he tried to run in and ending up throwing up about 5 or 6 times so the coach took him out.  He felt better that night though, so hopefully he is getting well also.  He has a real talent for running well.

My daughter just finished trying out for cheerleading this week.  The entire week was a nightmare.  She was SO absolutely TERRIFIED that she wouldn't make it - she was a nervous wreck the whole week.  So I was also a nervous wreck the whole week.  She tried out with 2 of her BFFs that were NOT already cheerleaders and neither of them made it.  So she had to console them.  But she made it again for next year, and I honestly have not been so thankful for something as that in a long time.  I would have really worried about her well-being if she hadn't have made it.  It means SO much to her.  I know a lot of parents SAY it means that much to their daughters and you think, "Oh, they'd get over it."  I don't know if my daughter would have.  As soon as she got into the truck, she started that sort of scream-crying like a mother would do if she just found out she'd lost a child or something and loudly sobbed the whole way home.  She had messed up her double-front-walkovers and was worried sick she wouldn't make it.  Thankfully, it was only about 30 minutes afterwards that we got the results.  When she got the text that she did (because that's how they told them this year), she literally fell into the hallway floor as she scream-cried again.  She sobbed a while then too out of relief.  Like I said, thank god it's over and thank god she made it. 

There were 33 trying out and they let 13 make it.  They were only supposed to take 12 because that's all that's allowed on to cheer at one time.  So maybe the girls will rotate sitting out 1 game each for basketball and football seasons?  I'm not sure how it's going to work yet, but I'm not complaining.  For all I know, my kid was the 13th, you know?  So I'm not saying a word.  LOL!  I don't care for the way they were told this year.  They didn't post a list on the gym door like they did years previously.  They TEXTED the girls that made it.  The ones that didn't just had to learn about it on facebook by seeing the girls that DID make it celebrating.  I don't mind them texting the ones that made it, I think they just should have posted a list too.  It won't be REAL to some girls until they see it in black and white.  I know my baby (if she hadn't been on the squad last year) would have been sitting there thinking, "Maybe I gave them the wrong phone number and that's why I didn't get my text." or something like that.  I just think they should have either posted a list or texted EVERYONE.  They could have easily texted those girls that DIDN'T make it, saying "Sorry, you didn't make it.  Try again next year though!"  That way the girl isn't sitting on facebook, waiting/hoping for her text and has to learn about it from watching others celebrate that they GOT their text - knowing that she didn't - wondering if she WILL and they just haven't gotten to her yet, etc.  I don't know.  Maybe that sounds stupid.

I'd like to get the $$$ to enroll Hannah in gymnastics in HS.  Unfortunately there is only 1 place like that around here.  If she could improve her tumbling even more, it would help ensure her a spot in years to come. 

I am doing fine.  Other than HOPEFULLY recovering from being sick, I'm just fine.  Physically I feel well otherwise.  I took my support garments off.  It's been 6 weeks since my lipo touch-up, so I should be mostly done swelling and healing on the inside.  I have noticed that I definately still have some swelling as the day goes on.  But I am not putting that support garment back on.  If I sacrifice a little long-term PS success from not wearing it, oh well.  I wore it the recommended 6 weeks and my big PS (tummy tuck, breasts, initial lipo & mons-lift) was right at 4 months ago.  So I'm done.  I cannot wear it another day.  (Although I did consider putting them back on when I had a sort of bad swelling day a few days ago.)  There just comes a point where I'm like... ok... I can't wear the granny-panties-up-to-my-breasts-underwear anymore!  I am to that point.  I hate them.  I'm not wearing them anymore.  If I'm going to swell this far out, I'm wondering if wearing those garments is not doing more harm than good at this point.  I mean, am I just putting off inevitable swelling?  I'm beginning to think so.  So I'm just going to swell and get it over with - then maybe I'll finish "healing" and the swelling will go away.  I don't know.  I wore the stupid things for the 4 - 6 weeks my PS advised, so I figure it's up to me at this point.  And I'm done with the support panties.  My tummy is still numb which is odd feeling, but I know that can last months (or even be permanent in some cases).  So I'm just ignoring that as best I can and I'll get used to it.  I'm still funny-looking naked - just in a different way than before!  LOL

Work is fine.  I have been REALLY overwhelmingly busy the last month or so.  Seriously, I have had too much to do lately.  It's one assignment ontop of another.  I think I got a little bit more handle on stuff, caught up a little, towards the end of this week.  Next week I am going to work on more of the same.  Hopefully, by the end of this coming week, I will at least have my head above water.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that - but not holding my breath.

OMG - I almost forgot to add that I bought new living room and kitchen furniture.  It looks fabulous and I love it all.  I have a buffet in my kitchen for the first time EVER (long overdue trust me).  The couch and love seat are a charcoal kind of gray chanille and the 2 "gaming" chairs are a lush cream color.  I love it.  Now I just have to pay for it.  LOL


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