weight at a stand still -__-

Apr 17, 2010

well i am soo disappointed I've been sticking to my 200 calorie diet and my weight remains at 268.8 ! don't get me wrong its a difference from what i used to be and i am very thankful, but i just don't know what i am doing wrong. I mean most weight loss surgeries make your stomach smaller there for your calorie intake is much lower. so I'm doing the exact same thing, besides the surgery. I'm hoping my weight will move down soon, I'm looking forward to being out of my 260s ! I'm wondering though, to the people whom had surgery, what do you eat ? as for me i don't really change up too much. for instance today i had:
a couple small pickles - each were 5 calories.
1/4 pack of ramen noodle soup - 80 calories.
1 bag of popcorn - 90 calories.

total was 200 calories.

sometimes i have two boiled egg whites. nothing really out of the ordinary.
I'm hoping to read up on some new food ideas. 
and of course waiting for my weight to go down.

btw my eyes have been reddish. I'm wondering if its from lack of a certain vitamin. I'm not sure but it doesn't bother me one bit. -just curious.

and one last note -last night i dreamed i came across a grocery store freezer in the middle of no where. i opened it and looked through and found this huge tub of soft chocolate chip cookies, which of course i took out and started eating. when i woke up i swore i had that tube of cookies. lol :]. my arms were actually in the position like i was holding it. lmaoo.

well thats all i have to say for today. if anyone can help me out with any ideas then im open to it :].


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Apr 10, 2010
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