April 17, 2007

Today I had the Mental Health Evaluation with K.Adkins.  She was great, and I think I passed with flying colors.  Afterwards,  I had my 2nd month appointment with the Bariatric Center.  My weight stayed the same,  but the choices I have been making are better ones.   I lived through my Upper GI this past week.. barely.  The results were normal, which is a good thing. 


April 4th, 2007 [Edit Post]
5 hours ago
The insurance company just rained on my parade.  It seems my insurance will require the 6 month monitored diet program, because i'm with the federal government.  Seems there is a clause in our policies only.  Not sure I understand the reason for that,  but i'm bummed. :(  So instead of May.. I guess it will be sometime in the fall.   Sucks to be me right now...-lol-   The office will call me tomorrow with the "official" word.. but the clause says it all.
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March 29th 2007 - 1st Doctors appointment [Edit Post]
5 days ago
Such a great group of Doctors and nurses at the Center.  It was a little depressing to weigh in at 230 lbs.  I wasn't surprised because i knew it was close.  I met the criteria on weight alone... Which I guess is a good thing.. Since having medical problems on top of that wouldn't be good.  My mind was instantly made up.. I want this... and I want it bad.  Suprisingly,  before the appointment was over... We were setting up bloodword, upper GI's, mental health evaluations, support group meetings, and visits to the gym.  I was overwhelmed, but excited.  Another surprise was when I was told that May 1st could be my surgery date, pending the outcome of the insurance company.   By this time,  I'm getting hyped and excited..  Next week I should have the decision of MD- IPA.   -keeps my fingers crossed-
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March 24th 2007 - Lap Band Seminar [Edit Post]
5 days ago

I have been seriously considering the bypass surgery but decided to check out the seminar on the Lap Band before making any final decisions.  My daughter is a 2nd year nursing student, so I decided to take her with me.. in case i needed translation..-lol-    We both were impressed with the band and i decided that this is the route i should try to go.   I'm making an appointment to meet with the doctor.

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Galena, MD
Mar 29, 2007
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