[email protected] 18 years, 3 months ago

Shelley, I read one of your Q & A's...you mentioned Lee Ann Krause for contacting regarding winning an oral appeal...I cannot find her anywhere...can you help? Thanks! Angie Milligan

melkihm 19 years, 11 months ago

Hello Shelley! Thank you so much for sharing the information on the insurance page, it was very helpful. This site just has a wealth of information, I should have looked a little harder. The questions that I had were answered for the most part, the ones that I had that weren't answered were as you stated Plan specific. Thanks again!

paulsgirl 20 years, 5 months ago

Congrats on your annviersary girl! I hope that you have a great day!

lyn H. 21 years ago

Thanks Shelley, for keeping your bio up..its great to see you're doing so well after all this time. You remind me that its really important to continue posting, even if only once a year. Its people like you who help when doubt creeps in.

Jaimie L. 21 years, 2 months ago

Thank you for responding to my question about my PCP's opinion on my weight loss. Congrats on your loss!! How wonderful!! I am having surgery on 4/21 and was hoping that you could share some of your secrets with me!! Thank you for your time!!

Kimberly L. A. 21 years, 3 months ago

Pardon me, I usually spell check before hitting the "send." Congratulations, Shelley, on your tremendous accomplishments. Like the previous poster, I was very near your starting weight (I was 276) and marvel at how quickly you came down the scale. Is there any one or two things you can attribute that to? And, without exercise? What were your main food choices? I'm 6 months post op and have lost around 78 pounds. It's been frustrating that it's going so slow. Any tips? How did you do with water intake? -- Kimberly L. Alford

Kimberly L. A. 21 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations, Shelley on your tremendous accompliments. Like the previous poster, I was very near your starting weight and marvel at how quickly you came down the scale. Is there any one or two things you can attribute that to? And, without exercise? What were you main food choices? I'm 6 months post op and have lost arund 78 pounds. It's been frustrating that it's going so slow. Any tips? How did you do with water intake?

Judy S. 21 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations Shelley. I will be having surgery on 3/19/03 and am considered a lightweight. Since I keep hearing that we lightweights do not lose as fast, but you lost quickly. How have you a) been able to lose quickly when we lightweights supposedly don't, b) lose witout exercise and c) maintain without exercise. What is your diet like at this point? Thanks for the support and guidance for the rest of us.

kimberley B. 21 years, 5 months ago

Shelley, Congrats to you on your second anniversary. I liked reading that you no longer focus on your appearance. I wondered if that would always be an issue for us after surgery. Knowing that you weigh the same now that you did a year ago is so encouraging!! I haven't really given the thought of meeting and knowing people that did not know me before WLS. How awesome is that, someone would meet me now and think that I am normal...hey that is way kewl! Thanks for sharing. KimmieTN

Debi F. 21 years, 5 months ago

Shelley, congrat's on your anniversary. I will soon be having the surgery (2/5/03) and I can't wait to start having my anniversary's. Good luck in what ever way your life leads.
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2000
Member Since
