9/12/05...Well, where do I start? I am a 31 year old married mother of 3 sons. I have really struggled with my weight since high school, but as I have aged and had 3 babies my weight has skyrocketed over the past 10 years. I have tried everything from Nutrisystem, Atkins, Carb addicts, weight watchers, Phen-fen, Redux, Hcg injections, Hypnotherapy and laxatives. My most significant weight loss has been while pregnant. I lost 35 lbs each pregnancy but after the babies were born I'd put on 50 lbs in 2 months.

I have thought about Gastric Bypass before but have been too scared to pursue it until now. I don't know whether it was the lifestyle change or the risks associated that had me the most scared. I am still looking for loads of information on it.

I have had my initial consult with my surgeon, who is Roc Bauman in Concord, NC. I work with a girl who had her surgery performed by Dr. Bauman who has had a great experience. I hope I am as fortunate. I have my Nutrional Eval scheduled for 9/15 and my Psych Eval scheduled for 9/20. My appt with the Endocrinologist is scheduled for 9/27 and he is going to do my upper GI and all my blood tests. After all of these things are done the surgeons office can submit my information for approval with my insuarance company. They said they usually hear back within 24-48 hours. I have my fingers crossed. I know that the process is long and trying and that getting approval from insurance is a pain. I try not to put a time limit on it so I am not disappointed if I am denied the first time. I am looking for some good information on after care and experiences from post op patients about what to eat and do after wards to make my healing process better. Well I guess that's all for now. I'll post more information as I get it.

10/31/05 ~~HAPPY HALLOWEEN!~~ Well all of my tests are done and my psych eval is sitting on Dr. Bauman's desk to be reviewed. Once that is complete it is off to the Insurance company to get approval. I am really nervous but excited at the same time. Some of my family and friends are starting to tell me they don't want me to have the surgery done. It's hard to be positive about it when I'm getting all this negativity. Of course the ones that are telling me not to do it are the ones that have never had a real weight problem. I think I might hit the message boards to see if I can get some reassurance from those who have experienced the same and succeeded at this. Well until next time! Hopefully I'll have some good news. Have a safe Halloween!

11/13/05 Well the DR submitted my info for approval on Tuesday 11/8. I'm waiting to hear if I'm approved and how much I will have to pay. Hopefully I will hear soon and can schedule my surgery for after the Christmas holiday. I won't be able to take the time off of work until the first of the year because my husband has a couple of business trips he has to make. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm so ready to make this GIANT step to improve my health and to be able to do things with my children. Until next time.....

11/14/05***I AM APPROVED!***** I can't believe it. I am so excited and scared all at the same time. I know this is the right thing for me to do but I can't help but be apprehensive about what all could go worng. I am in desperate need of some guidance from those who've went on to be successful at this before me. Please email me if you have any suggestions or supportive information. None of my close family and friends have had a weight problem to this extreme and are very sceptical about this surgery. I am so tired of hearing that "its only 120 lbs, you can do that by yourself if you really wanted to." The ignorance of some!

11/16/05 ...I HAVE A SURGERY DATE! I have been scheduled for 7:30 am on 1/10/06. I can't believe it. I had my consult with Doc Roc on 9/8 and I have a date. This process went faster than I had anticipated. Thank you God and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Here I go again with this rock I feel in the pit of stomach. Nerves. I know that's what it is. I have 3 precious sons that I want to get healthy for. I want to be able to play with them outside and not be tired in 2 minutes. I want them to be proud to be seen with me. But most of all I want to see them grow into the good men that I know they will be and be able to see my grandbabies born. This is why I decided to have that surgery. I know I am planning ahead a little since my sons are only 9, 5 and 2. My husband is excited for me. He also needs to have this surgery. He is a Type 2 Diabetic and weighs about 325 and is 6'2". I want him to be healthy too! Well I will be off to the message boards to get info about food and protein drinks. I am not looking forward to the protein drinks. I don't do well with stuff like that. May be why I have a weight issue. Until next time....

12/11/05...I don't think I've quite got the hang of updating my profile frequently. My life is pretty normal/boring right now. Still need to finish my shopping for Christmas. The boys are getting excited about the holidays. I am getting nervous about surgery and feel like I have done nothing but eat. I hope I don't gain weight before my surgery. I am looking forward to attending the Gastonia Support group meeting on Monday night. It will be my first. Gotta go will continue my post later.......

12/13/05.....Man it's cold tonight! I have been really tired lately! I usually go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00 every night. Here lately I've been knocking out around 7:00. My poor husband has been putting the kids to bed for me. The endocrinologist I saw back in September said I have low iron. Wonder if that is the problem? I guess those iron supplements I bought might actually do some good if I would TAKE them. I know, I know I'm hard headed. I just don't whether I'm coming or going half the time and I never remember to take them.
They are calling for ice Thursday, reckon that means I'll be working. I so desperately need to finish my Christmas shopping it's unbelievable. I'd like to get myself a nice robe and slippers for the hospital and get all that prepared. The holidays will be gone before you know it and it will be my turn to head on over to the "losing" side. My 2 oldest sons are really worried about me having surgery. My 9 yr old says I am beautiful the way I am. Oh how I love that boy! I've been caught up in all the hustle and bustle and I've forgotten to thank God for all he has given me. A wonderful husband, 3 beautiful, wonderful, crazy sons, a nice home, good jobs for my husband and I and a supportive family. Man I am all over the place with these thoughts. I hope I don't converse this way. How aggravating! Well must put the babies to bed before I pass out! Until next time.....

12/28/05....Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been working like a dog and had to pull Santa Claus off at the last minute. I had my pre-op appointments yesterday and all is well. I'm having to take Iron becuase mine is low. I was worried Dr Bauman was going to cancel my surgery because I have gained 10 lbs in the past 5 months. But he didn't. I was so grateful. I am now getting really excited. I met a lady that came in the office while I was waiting. She was 1 year postop and looked marvelous. She was my size last year and is now in a size 8. I hope I can have the same results in a year like she has. I don't want to look like a ball that has been deflated, but to look like I was never overweight to begin with. That is my dream.
I don't have an angel yet and don't know if I know the significance of having one. If anybody has any advice let me know. My husband and close friends will be there for me I know. Well 13 more days until my surgery! Say a prayer for me!

1/2/06~~Happy New Year~~ I can't believe it is only 8 days until my surgery! I'm ready. Bring it on. I'm tired of the waiting and ready to enter the next level. I'm gonna take my measurements and a picture and post them all on here so I can have a baseline for after the surgery! Say a prayer for me guys, it's the final countdown! Oh yeah! Go Panthers!

1/9/06...Well I'm doing the coutdown until tomorrow morning when I go to the hospital. I just finished my Phospho Soda...YUCK!!! I'm struggling real hard to keep it down right now! I'm so excited!!! I'll be on the losing side in less than 24 hrs! I'm hoping this stuff will kick in and I'll be able to go to the Gastonia meeting tonight but I don't know how that is gonna go! Well still have lots to do to get ready. Have to be in Concord at 5:45 am. I'll have to leave my house by 4:30. Say a prayer for me! Go Panthers!

1/14/05...Here I am on the losing side! I must admit the pain is very real. I honestly felt better after walking. I am still in struggle mode tryng to get liquids and proteins in, but my good friend Larry on the NC board snapped me back into reality. I do need time for my baby pouch to adjust.
I'm having incredible head hunger. My kids were eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch today and I wanted to eat it so bad. I normally don't care for peanut butter and jelly. I guess that saying is true "we want what we can't have". Oh well c'est la vie. I am getting ready to go walk and trying not to be depressed so I will say goodbye for now and will post again later.......

2/2/06... I know it's been awhile since I updated my profile. Actually I updated a few weeks ago and it didn't save so I was too tired to type it again. I've been having issues lately with the protein. I thought I could get it all from food since I got to move to puree's. Not the case. I had to go back to protein shakes, which I hate by the way. But I've got to get it somehow. I am down to 249 by my scale. That's 25 lbs in 3 weeks. I've kind've stalled at that weight for a week. But I am losing inches. I'm going to post my inches lost every month from now on. But for now, I'll put my start and what I measures 3 weeks and one day out. Here it goes...

Bust ...51 1/2
Waist . 50 1/2
Hip .....56 1/4
Upper Arm 17
Thigh...28 3/4

3 Weeks 1 day
Bust 48 1/4
Waist 46 3/4
Hip 52 1/2
Upper Arm 17
Thigh 26 1/4
Neck 15

2/12/06.....I am horrible about updating. By my scales I am down 30 lbs and I am 4 weeks and 5 days post op. Today my oldest baby turns 10. I can't believe that he is growing so fast. He already is too cool to be seen with Mom. I am so excited that in a week and 2 days I get to move off of purees. Yeah! Yeah! My clothes are starting to get really big. It's kind of depressing because I've always taken pride in my clothes and looking nice. Now I look like a whole family moved out of my pants and I can't afford to buy alot of new clothes. I'm not complaining, I love the Weight loss, it's just a hassle to not have clothes that fit. The Dr has moved me to regular vitamins now. I ordered some off Bariatric Advantage and am waiting to get those thru the mail. I have been craving sandwiches. I wish I could at least have a bite of one. Oh well, thin will feel better than a sandwich tastes. I will update again later.

3/29/06...I have been horrible about updating this thing. According to my scales I am 50 lbs lighter. I am losing it slowly. I just found out that I have a thyroid problem. Explains alot of things. My hair is falling out in gobs, my skin looks like I'm 80. Is it side affects from the WLS or thyroid issues? Who knows. I do know I need to step up the exercise. Well I'm feeling a little sick on my stomach. I'll write again later!

5/12/06....AGAIN>>>>I AM HORRIBLE ABOUT UPDATING! I weigh 208. I believe that's a loss of 66 lbs thus far. If I could just make it to oneder land , I think I would die! Alot has happened in the last two months. The last week in March I found out that my thyroid problem is actually papillary thyroid cancer. I had my thyroid and left neck lymph nodes removed on May 3rd. I will find out my pathology on Monday May 15th and see if it has spread. I also am on a low iodine diet until after I get my treatment of radioactive iodine which will be at least end of May or first of June. The surgeon seems to think it was contained within the thyroid so that is great news but will know for sure on Monday.

My weight loss has slowed a bit, probably due to the thyroid issue. But I have also been a slacker about exercise. I am just so tired all the time I don't feel like getting out of bed. Thank the Lord for my WLS, because the weight loss made it possible for my Dr to find the cancer. So if I don't lose another pound, it saved my life already. I am going back to work this weekend. Not looking to forward to that but...Gotta eat and pay the bills! I miss my Gastonia buddies. I hadn't spoken with them in awhile. I need to send them all an email! I hope everyone has a happy mothers day!

6/27/06....Hi everyone! Alot has happened since my last update. I found out my cancer had spread to one lymph node that they removed during surgery , but that was the extent of the spread. The treatment I had was horrible, but I still remind myself that it could have been alot worse so thank God for that! I am now weighing in at 194 so that is a loss of 80 lbs in 5 1/2 months. Can't complain. I'm in onederland and I love it. I get so many compliments, but I still see the fat girl in the mirror. I had someone at work tell me this weekend that I was always pretty but now I'm sexy. That was a shocker. I loved it! My husband is actually going to see Dr. Bauman in July for a consultation. He is 34 yrs old, 6' 2", and 315 lbs. He has non insulin Dependent Diabetes and I worry about him. He's actually lost 25 lbs since I had WLS. He loves the protein drink I am using and drinks it often. I think he'll do fine with that. He is also a quantity eater so I think once he has the surgery he will do great with that aspect also. We all know that no matter how much you want to eat, your new little stomach is the boss.

We are thinking about joining a gym together. I think it will help me get back in the exercise routine. Plus I really need to start strength training to get rid of the flacidness. That way I can see if I really need to have plastics or not. I know I will need something done to these saggy boobs! I will try to post again soon!

8/10/06...Good morning all! I know I haven't posted in a while. I am still struggling to get in my protein and vitamins. It's a struggle everyday.I am experiencing some pain in my mouth from my treatment for cancer I had in June and it is making it hard for me to eat. Hopefully will be gone soon. I am weighing in at 184. 10 more lbs to go and I'll be a member of the century club. Woo hoo! I'll post again soon!

9/30...Hi all! I haven't posted in awhile. Seems to be the same old story huh? Very busy living life. The kids keep me occupied all the time. I am now 110 lbs down in almost 10 months. I have 17 lbs to go to meet the surgeons goal and 24 to meet my personal goal. I joined the YMCA with my husband who is now waiting for approval from insurance to get his surgery. We're starting our workout on Monday. I am actually excited about it. I have a lot of extra skin that I am hoping to tighten up. I know that it is a long shot but ifI can tone up what I can maybe I want need to much plastic surgery. I honestly don't know how I'd pay for it. Buying clothes is so expensive and it seems I am doing it constantly. I am in a 12-14 now, depending on how it's cut. I would love to be an 8, a toned 8. I'm worried about my husband and his surgery. I hope that it goes smoothly. I guess I will post again later. I wish you all the best in your weight loss and new lives. I do have to admit the attention that  you get when you start to look "normal" is a little hard to process sometimes. But I am enjoying it!


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2004
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 7
Turn of events!
Post Op from Plastics!
Getting ready for Disney!
Plastic Surgery consultation
A new year and a new me!
Having a hard time coping!
So busy living life!
