2 Months Post Op!

Sep 19, 2007

I am now officially 2 months post op and feeling great! I have to admit that the process has been a long, slow one, but nevertheless, I am moving in the right direction. I have now had 2 fills (totaling 2.25 cc) within the past 3 weeks and I finally have good restriction. I continue to learn a lot about myself, as my body continues to change. I have found that I can no longer eat bread and cannot not drink at all while I am eating. I have also found that protein is critical to my diet. I drink a smoothie for breakfast (25gm) and sip on an Isopure throughout the day (40 gm). I don't even count my other sources because I know that I am at least getting 65 gms daily. I also find that I am really tired whenever I don't have enough, like today.  I'll be a GNC first thing in the morning...

I have lost 18 pounds so far. I sometimes get a little discouraged because I feel like I should have lost so much more by now. I've read on-line where other people say, "I lost so much more weight when I did Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers". I concur. The one thing that keeps me going is that if those diets were so successful, why did you get gastric banding? Although this process is slower, it is virtually impossible to gain weight because it is impossible to overeat! I absolutely cannot overeat now that I have good restriction. Trust me, I've tried it and it doesn't feel good. I have thrown up twice now (once on pizza and once on M&Ms). Not something I want to do again any time soon. 

Congratulations to my new band sister Laurie who had surgery last week. I am so proud of you and glad you are my neighbor. We can help each other through this. We can do it!

Till we meet again....

Good Post Op Visit

Jul 24, 2007

Well, I am one week post op (Day 9) and feeling GREAT! Having lapband surgery has definitely been one of the best decisions of my life. 

I went to see Dr. Enochs' FNP Lisa today and all went well. She was pleased with how well my tummy was healing and that my pain was minimal. What a difference a week makes. I told her that I kinda-sorta skipped the full liquid phase and went straight to smushie foods. She said it was fine and that I am not expected to feel the effects of my band yet because I haven't had a fill yet. That was such a relief since I have been so hungry and practically starving myself thinking something was wrong with me. 

My first fill is scheduled for August 21st. My surgeon wants to give my stomach time to heal before restricting it. My goal is not to gain back any of the weight I lost post surgery and begin to gradually change some of my eating habits. I am continuing to eat proteins first and drinking lots of fluids... My favorite things to eat now are quiche, scrambled eggs and soups.

I am continuing to walk at night and it feels so good. No gas or pain anymore but man, I can burp like a dude. Thank goodness my co-workers are understanding. 

I should be able to return to the gym around the time I get my first fill toward the end of August. That will be monumental since it has been about 3 months since I last darkened those doors.

My 15th wedding anniversary is August 1st and my hubby and I have already decided we're gonna order 2 cupcakes from our favorite bakery. I am really looking forward to that!

God Bless and Good Night....


Back to Work

Jul 23, 2007

Today was my first day back to work and is also Day 8. Energy has really improved since starting protein, but I have to admit, I'M HUNGRY!!! 

I started eating "smushie" foods on Sunday because I simply cannot do full liquids any more. My diet consists of mostly proteins. I have eaten quiche, spaghetti, scrambled eggs and protein shakes. I am easily getting in my water and protein. The Isopure and Propel really help. It's great when you find something you like, that works! 

The two things that I have noticed most is that my tastes have changed a little and I definatley get fuller faster. After an egg or a small bowl of soup, I feel like I just walked out of Golden Corral. It is weird to feel so full. Next I will have to train my brain to know that my stomach is full. I still feel like I should be eating, after just a small portion. I guess  that's why you are supposed to eat your proteins first. You get fuller faster adn stay fuller longer. I have only tried decaf coffee once and I realize that I can live without it. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is HUGE!  I don't crave chocolate or ice cream like I used to either, the shakes help with that. 

Weight loss has slowed since I introduced solids, but I am still down 13 pounds total this week.
 I have been walking about 2 miles every night. The weather has been so beautiful, that it's been easy. Walking has helped me maintain my stamina for returning to work. I made it all day on my first day back. 

My one week post op appointment is tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Feeling Better Each Day!

Jul 20, 2007

Today is Day 5 and I am feeling so much better than I did earlier in the week. I am starting to realize that this band is something I can live with. I started creamed soups and protein shakes today. Whooa! I didn't think I could do liquids for as long as I did, but I did! I am planning on going back to work on Monday, so I need to start working on my energy levels and the protein should help. I am down 12.5 pounds, but still feeling a little bloated.

Continue to keep me in your prayers!

What A Day!

Jul 18, 2007

I woke up this morning (Day 3) and couldn't for the life of me, figure out why I had a lap band placed... I was shaking, sweating and dizzy, probably dehydrated. It was the worst feeling ever. I think I needed a little variety in my clear liquids phase because soup broth and jello were now making me nauseated. My friend brought me SF popsicles to try and I drank a little Liquid Protein. I feel much better now, feeling like I can finish out this stage in the game. Best of all, I am down 8 lbs in just 3 days! I can do this, I know I can... Keep me in your prayers please. 

Day 2 Down...

Jul 17, 2007

I've just completed my second day on clear liquids and I am feeling a little better today than yesterday. I've had a lot of visitors and the kids home with me so I'm not getting much rest. My hubby and I went walking tonight with the dogs. 
I needed to get out and get things moving if you know what I mean.
It looks like I have lost about 4 lbs of the fluids I packed on yesterday during surgery. Still above where I was when I started this process. I'm not as sore today but still feeling crampy and bloated. I cannot wait to start seeing some results... Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. 

Home from the hospital!

Jul 16, 2007

I am home from the hosptial and feeling pretty good. Everything went well but I spent a little extended time in recovery because I wasn't able to increase my O2 sats. I was on 2-3 liters of oxygen and was still only saturating at about 88%, despite trying everything. Not sure what was going on there, all I knew is that I couldn't take deep breaths, like someone was sitting on my chest. 

I was actually offered an overnight stay, but declined because I wanted to sleep and recover in my own bed. My husband was great, by my side most of the day. He is exhausted too so we're trying get caught up on sleep. My surgery was pushed back from 9:05 to 10:50 and actually done at 10:30. I was well prepared as I had my handheld Yatzee and my Blackberry.

I was given liquid Hydrcodone to help with pain. I have also experimented with crushing my other Rx drugs and taking with sips of water. Yuk! Worse than Goody Powders.

Doing a good job keeping liquids down and to my surprise, I have not been nauseated. My stomach feels like I've been kicked by big, brawly men wearing combat boots. No major bruising yet though. I am up 4 lbs, a total of about 7 since I completed my initial assessment at the surgeons office. I didn't do any special liver shrinking diet before I went in, just ate some Mexican food and ice cream as my "last supper". I am not bummed though because I know I will get it off. 

I am walking around the house and handling stairs easily. Feel pretty good in that respect. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I will continue to keep you posted. 

God Bless,

Two Days Until Surgery!!!

Jul 14, 2007

There are only 2 days left until my sugery and I am filled with so many different emotions... I am really excited about my upcoming surgery, but I am also scared that I won't be able to just drink liquids for 2 weeks.  I guess you can call it fear of the unknown.

I have struggled with my weight on and off since the birth of my first child 14 years ago. Four kids, my love of food, my gene pool and a husband who thinks I look like a supermodel even over 200 lbs, hasn't helped me maintain a healthy weight over the years. I've gained weight with each of my 4 pregnancies and have literally tried every diet under the sun... I've been looking into bariatric surgery for almost a year, but just became serious about it 3 months ago. I am having surgery for me and my goals are; to feel better, be more active and be healthier. Not to mention I'd like to wear some of those clothes I've been saving that are in the back of my closet.

I am spending the weekend trying to prepare for the days and weeks ahead. I have gone shopping, made plans for the kids, finished all my office work and cleaned up my house so I don't have any distractions. I really want to be sure that I take the time to learn the new signs my body gives me, as well as adjust to the liquid/puree life. 

I just returned from Vitamin World (who by the way is having a 50% off everything sale) to make some last minute purchases. Before going shopping, I did my research by talking to my on-line pals and searching the net for things I think I might need. 

Items Purchased:
Soy Whey Chocolate Isolate Powder and Liquid Protein- New Whey (I am supposed to have 50-60 g of protein a day.  Vitamin C Crystals (for energy and immunity), Gas X sublingual strips (for gas pains after surgery), Crystal Light, Biotin 1000 mcg (to prevent hair loss), children's chewables (for supplement) and some really cute PJs from Target so I can rest comfortably. I also picked up some broths and jellos for the liquid phase.

Rex Hospital just called to confirm my surgery and to give me details about where to report. Exciting! I gotta run now so I can finish getting meals cooked for my family next week. I plan on making lots of foods that won't tempt me like brussle sprouts, okra, potted meats, etc...

Please keep me in your prayers.

About Me
May 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 8
2 Months Post Op!
Good Post Op Visit
Back to Work
Feeling Better Each Day!
What A Day!
Day 2 Down...
Home from the hospital!
Two Days Until Surgery!!!
