Well, my story is probably similar to many folks'.  I have always been heavy and always had an unhealthy relationship with food.  My dear grandmother would tell me "You have such a pretty face, if you could only lose some weight.... " and then would proceed to offer me seconds on my dinner plate.   

After I graduated from college in 1991 I decided I should do something about my weight.  I had gone up to 301 pounds and at the time had a co-worker who had gone to a local doc for heavy-duty weight loss drugs (basically phen-fen and some other stuff thrown in).  I did that for 3 months and lost a bunch of weight, and kept losing a little bit all the way up to my wedding (10/93) when I weighed 219.  Keep in mind I am 6'1", my goal weight is around 195 so I wasn't too far off of that.  I swore I wouldn't gain it back.... but I did, and then some.

Fast forward 13 years to September 2006.  By that time I had an 8 1/2 year old son who is autistic and twin girls who were 4 months old.  I  now weigh about 420.  I had been thinking of having WLS for a long time and I decided while I was pregnant with the twins that after they were born, it was finally time!  I had my initial consult with Dr. Curry on 9/21/06.  I have great insurance and I know weight loss surgery is covered 100% so I go find out what hoops I have to jump through and I'm on my way.  His office staff was so supportive and nice and I really appreciated their help with everything!

4/20/2007 Band Day!  I had finally jumped through all my hoops properly so I was on the table getting my band.  

Here are my "little goals" for my weight loss journey, most of these were sort of landmark weights for me as I was on my way up to where I am now:

380 - first goal, no particular reason, almost there!

378 - my BMI will be under 50

354 - weight after having my second child (7/99)

348 - weight right before my first child was born (12/97)

340 - my BMI will be under 45

330 - weight after my first child was born (12/97)

302 - my BMI will be under 40

301 - weight when I started taking drugs for weight loss (1/92)

264 - my BMI will be under 35

254 - weight at high school graduation (6/87, God I'm old!!)

227 - my BMI will be under 30

219 - weight the day I got married (10/93)

200 - weight on my driver's license since 1986

195ish - final goal!  According to BMI calculators my final goal should be 189 (BMI 24.9) however I am a big bone, large framed 6'1" woman of German descent so we'll see once I get to Onederland what my final goal will be.  At my lowest adult weight (219) I looked pretty darn good!

I have no doubt that it will take me a long time to get to my goal.  I'm OK with that, as long as the scale is going in the right direction.

About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 11
Still at it!
Fill.... and an unfill.... and a plateau
Another fill and Evil Frosted Mini Wheats
The great exercise bicycle saga
Another fill, up to 7.5 ccs now
50 pounds gone but feeling bummed??
2nd fill, vacation, birthday party, OH MY!
Had my first fill!
Met my first WL goal!
2 weeks out was an exciting week in many OT ways....
