the last roast

Feb 20, 2011

Well it is 3 weeks and 4 days till O day and I have had my last roast dinner.  Mum came over and I cooked Turkey with all the trimmings.  I have to loose this weight before O day so I had a small dinner.  Everyone else had more. Never mind I was well full up after and it was soooooo tasty I could have eaten it again.

I had to tell my mum about the surgery as I haven't yet and she was OK but then she got upset.  What happens if it goes wrong...Thanks mum!!!
Well back to the diet tomorrow properly got to loose this 10kg before the op so keep going!!! Might go to Boots and weigh myself tomorrow then will weigh myself twice a week, Got to get it off!!!el


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2011
Member Since

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